Transcribed from "Maine Genealogy Vol. II," c. 1909, available at the Biddeford Library, Maine

Captain Samuel, fourth son of Jeremiah and Mary (Canney) Tebbets, was born in the latter part of 1666, and died December 9, 1738. He was a deacon in the church, a deputy in the New Hampshire Colonial legistlature several years, and was also a captain in the French and India war. He was a tanner by trade, and had a large tannery at Dover neck, where the odl vats employed by him are still to be seen. He was married, September 2, 1686, to Dorothy Tuthill. The date of her death is unknown, but it is certain that he married (second) Rebecca Willy and (third) a woman whose Christian name Rachel, but her surname has not been perserved.