Malpeque Bay, a village, is located in Prince; Queens County in the western portion of Prince Edward Island, N. of Kensington. Its precise location is 46'31"N, 63'39"W.

Malpeque Bay is the largest bay in terms of surface area in Prince Edward Island.

Malpeque Bay has several islands located along its northern border as well as entirely within the bay itself:

The Evangeline Region was founded in 1812 by Acadians who had originally settled near Malpeque Bay on the north shore of Prince Edward Island. These early settlers established two parishes which, for a long time, were called La Roche (Egmont Bay) and Le Grand Ruisseau (Mont-Carmel). The name "Evangeline" was not used until 150 years after the arrival of the first settlers.

The Arsenault family spent most of the 1700's on Prince Edward Island near Malpeque, managing to avoid the British Acadian Expulsion of 1755-1758.