Antoine Babin, a farmer from La Chaussée, near Blois, in the Orleanais region of the Loire valley in France, born in c1631, came to Acadia in the early 1660s. In c1662, he married Marie Mercier, daughter of Francoise Gaudet and her first husband, whose given name has been lost to history; Francoise remarried to Daniel LeBlanc and became the matriarch of that prolific Acadian clan. Antoine died in c1687, in his mid-50s, and Marie Mercier became a widow like her mother. But before his death, Antoine Babin fathered 11 children by her. Their seven daughters married into the Rimbault, Landry, Richard dit Sansoucy, Doucet, Breau, Comeau, Doiron, Benoit, Martin, Sauneuf, and Pitre families. Three of their four sons, all born at Port-Royal, created families of their own:

Oldest son Charles, born in c1664, married Madeleine, daughter of Michel Richard, at Port-Royal in c1686. He fathered 12 children, including six sons who married into the Gautrot, Bourg, Dupuis, Thériot, Landry, and Melanson families. His daughters married into the Bodart, Dupuis, Landry, and LeBlanc families. Charles settled at Grand Pré, where most of his children and grandchildren remained. Two of his grandsons, Claude and Jacques, married into the Cormier and Bourgeois families of Chignecto and settled in that community in the mid-1740s.

Vincent, born in c1665, married Anne, daughter of Claude Thériot, at Port-Royal in c1688 and moved to Ste.-Famille, Pigiguit, not far from his older brother Charles. He also fathered 12 children, including five sons who married into the Bourg and Landry families. His daughters married into the Richard, Forest, Broussard, and Landry families.

Antoine, born in c1676, never married.

Youngest son, Jean, born in c1684, married Marguerite, daughter of Charles Boudrot, at Port-Royal in c1705. They also settled at Ste.-Famille. By the early 1750s, however, they had moved on to Port-Lajoie on Île St.-Jean, today's Prince Edward Island. Jean and Marguerite had seven children, including four sons who married into the Landry and Thériot families. Their daughters married into the Landry family.

In 1755, descendants of Antoine Babin of La Chaussée could be found in the Minas Basin, especially at Grand-Pré and La Famille, Pigiguit, and on Île St.-Jean.


Meanwhile, Jacques Babin, a single man, was counted in the 1671 census at Plaisance, Newfoundland. The Babins of Acadia came from Antoine and his three sons, not from Jacques.


Le Grand Dérangement of the 1750s scattered the descendants of Antoine Babin even farther:

The British rounded up a number of Babin families at Grand-Pré and Pigiguit and deported them to Maryland, Virginia, and Massachusetts. A few of the Minas Babins escaped the British round up and found refuge at Restigouche, at the head of the Baie des Chaleurs, but the British went after them as well in late 1760. One of them, Basile, grandson of Charles, became a prisoner of war at Halifax, where he married a Saulnier. By 1767, he had settled on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, which had been part of eastern Louisiana, despite the region having become British territory in 1763. Some of the Babin refugees at Restigouche escaped the round up of 1760 and settled at nearby Bonaventure, on the north shore of the Baie des Chaleurs, in present-day Québec Province. Meanwhile, Claude Babin of Chignecto slipped away from the British and settled at Cap-St.-Ignace on the St. Lawrence River below Québec City. His brother Jacques, however, was caught in the Chignecto roundup and deported to South Carolina. After the French and Indian War ended, Minas Babins, probably those who had endured exile in Massachusetts, could also be found at Deschambault on the St. Lawrence between Québec City and Trois-Rivières, at Trois-Rivières, at St.-Jean-Port-Joli and St.-Roch-des-Aulnaies on the St. Lawrence below Québec City, on Rivière St.-Jean in present-day New Brunswick, and on the French island of Miquelon off the southern coast of Newfoundland. Typical of most, if not all, Acadian families, these Acadiennes of Canada lost touch with their Cadien cousins hundreds of miles away, and until the Acadian reunions of the mid-twentieth century, they may even have forgotten that the others existed.


The Babins whom the British deported to Virginia in the fall of 1755 endured a fate worse than most of their fellow refugees. The Virginia governor, Robert Dinwiddie, refused to allow the 1,500 Acadians sent to him to remain in the colony. Hundreds of the exiles died on the filthy, crowded ships anchored in Hampton Roads while the Virginia authorities pondered their fate. The Virginians allowed a few Acadians to come ashore at various James River settlements, but they were watched closely. When some of the Acadians began to fraternize with African slaves, the Virginians returned them to the transports, where they languished with the others. A hand full of sturdy young Acadians managed to slip off the vessels and trek overland through fields and forests and across the mountains, back to French Canada. But most of them remained on the terrible ships, and more of them died. Finally, in the spring of 1756, Governor Dinwiddie and Virginia's House of Burgesses made their decision ... the Acadians must go! In May, the first shipment of Acadians left for England, and in two weeks all of them had gone--299 to Bristol, 250 to Falmouth, 340 to Portsmouth and Southampton, 336 to Liverpool--1,225 of the original 1,500. Their ordeal only worsened in the English ports, where they were grossly neglected and treated like common criminals and where hundreds of them died of smallpox. By 1763, more than half of them were dead. In May of that year, after prolonged negotiations between the French and British governments, the Acadians in England were repatriated to France.


At least two members of the Babin family who ended up in France did not get there via Virginia and England. Isabelle Babin, born in c1689, settled on either Île St.-Jean or Île Royale, now Cape Breton Island, in the 1750s. She lived with her grandson, Charles Benoit. When the British rounded up the Nova Scotia Acadians in the autumn of 1755, the Acadians on the Maritime islands remained untouched because they were living in territory controlled by France. Their respite from British oppression was short-lived, however. After the fall of the French fortress at Louisbourg in July 1758, the victorious British swooped down on the islands and deported most of the Acadians to France. Isabelle Babin, age 70, crossed with her grandson's family on the British transport Tamerlan, which left the Gut of Canso in late November 1758 and reached St.-Malo in mid-January 1759. Amazingly, the tough old lady survived the terrible crossing that claimed the lives of hundreds of her fellow Acadians. Paul, son of Pierre Babin, age 25, ended up on one of the five British transports that left the Gut of Canso in late November 1758 and reached St.-Malo in late January 1759. He settled at Pleudihen, near St.-Malo. In 1761, he joined the crew of the corsair Le Tigre but was captured and held in England until 1763. He returned to Pleudihen that year and then left for the Falkland Islands aboard L'Aigle in November 1765.


Several Babin families from Minas who had endured Le Grand Dérangement as prisoners of war in the fetid ports of England were repatriated to France in the spring of 1763. They arrived at St.-Malo in late May and settled in parishes around the city. Marguerite Dupuis, age 60, widow of Claude Babin of Grand-Pré, reached France aboard La Dorothée with her two youngest sons, Laurent, age 24, and Jean-Charles, and 21. They lived at St.-Servan, near St.-Malo, until 1765, when they went with other Acadian exiles to Belle-Île-en-Mer, off the southwestern coast of Brittany. Marguerite Dupuis's son Joseph Babin, a native of Grand-Pré, age 29 in 1763, had married Marine, daughter of Jean LeBlanc, at Southampton, England, in November 1756. Joseph, Marine, age 27, and four of their children--Joseph-Nicaise, age 6, Bonnaventure, age 4, Marie-Théotiste, age 2, and newborn Marie-Victoire--also came to France aboard La Dorothée. After a short stay at St.-Servan, they followed Joseph's mother to Belle-Île-en-Mer but returned to St.-Servan in 1773. Jean Babin of Grand-Pré, age 63 in 1763, came to France as a widower aboard La Dorothée with son Paul, age 31, and daughter Anne, age 18, and also lived at St.-Servan, where they remained. Jean's son Simon, a native of Grand-Pré, age 28 in 1763, had married Anastasie Thériot at Southampton, England, in c1757; she was 21 in 1763. They followed Simon's father and siblings to France aboard La Dorothée with three children--Anne, age 5, Marie, age 3, and Magloire, whose entire name may have been Magloire-Simon or Simon-Magloire, age 1. They, too, lived at St.-Servan. Another, much younger Jean Babin, age 25, reached St.-Malo "from other ports" in 1763; he came alone. He lived at Pleudihen, near St.-Malo, but moved to Morlaix in 1764.

Another Joseph Babin, son of Jean Babin and Marguerite Bourg, married Francoise, daughter of Joseph Dugas, at Notre-Dame-des-Ardiliers, Île Miquelon, off the southern coast of Newfoundland, in May 1766; he was 23 and she was 20 at the time of their marriage. They and four of their children--Marguerite-Francoise, age 8, Simon, age 7, Joseph, fils, age 4, and Anne-Adélaïde, age 5. In 1778, during the American Revolution, the British deported them from Miquelon aboard La Jeannette; they reached St.-Malo that November. They, too, settled at St.-Servan with their Babin cousins.

In the early 1770s, Simon Babin, his wife Anastasie, and their surviving children--Anne had died at St.-Servan in July 1765 at age 6 Anastasie-Victoire, born at St.-Servan in October 1764, died there at age 33, and Pierre-Joseph, born at St.-Servan in June 1769, died 18 days after his birth, leaving Marie, Magloire, and Francois-Marie, born at St.-Servan in November 1766--took part in the failed Acadian settlement in Poitou on a French nobleman's land. Anastasie died at Châtellerault, Poitou, in April 1775, leaving Simon a widower. He promptly remarried to fellow Acadian Anne Poirier, widow of Joseph Granger, at Châtellerault that September. When the Poitou venture failed after two years of frustrated effort, Simon, his new wife, his three remaining children, and two stepchildren, retreated to the port city of Nantes with hundreds of other Poitou Acadians. In October 1780, Simon died aboard the ship Le Prince Inzare at St.-Martin-de-Chantenay, near Nantes. Daughter Marie married Louis-William, son of Stanislas Stebens of Boston, Massachusetts, at St.-Martin-de-Chantenay in January 1783.

In the early 1780s, the Spanish government offered the Acadians in France the chance for a better life in faraway Louisiana. Only four of the Babins still in the mother country agreed to take it.


Meanwhile, the Babins in Maryland endured life among English colonists who, despite their Catholic roots, did not care much for the French "papists" who had been thrust upon them. In July1763, after the French and Indian War had finally ended, colonial officials counted nearly a dozen Babin families in the colony, at Georgetown, Fredericktown, Princess Anne, Port Tobacco, Upper Marlborough, and Oxford. These were the Babins from Minas--Grand-Pré, Rivière-aux-Canards, and Pigiguit--whom the British had sent to the colony eight years before. When word reached the Acadians in Maryland that they would be welcome in Louisiana, where many of their relatives had gone, they pooled their meager resources to charter ships that would take them to New Orleans.


Two Babins, both children, came to Louisiana from Halifax via St.-Domingue, today's Haiti, in 1765. Anne Sonnier of Petitcoudiac, age 24, widow of Basile Babin, arrived with two young daughters--Lisa-Marie-Josèphe, called Lise or Marie, age 5, and Marie-Josèphe, age 1. They settled at Cabanocé/St.-Jacques on the river above New Orleans and then crossed the Atchafalaya Basin to the Opelousas District, where Anne remarried to Michel Cormier of Chignecto in c1769.


The great majority of the Babins who ended up in Louisiana came from exile in Maryland in the late 1760s. Dozens of them settled on the Acadian Coast at Cabanocé/St.-Jacques, St.-Gabriel d'Iberville, and San Luis de Natchez. A sad note: many of these Babin families from Maryland were headed by widows.

Six Babin families, an individual, and two Babin wives came to Louisiana with the first contingent of Acadians from Maryland in September 1766. Spanish officials sent them to the Acadian community of Cabanocé/St.-Jacques on the river above New Orleans:

Anne Thériot, age 45, widow of Joseph Babin, came with three children, all born at Pigiguit--Joseph, fils, age 21, Jean-Jacques, age 18, and Marguerite, age 17. Anne never remarried. Her daughter Marguerite married Francois, daughter of fellow Acadian Jean Dugas, at Cabanocé in June 1768. Her sons settled on the river.

Ursule Landry, age 42, widow of Jean-Baptiste Babin, came with four children--Joseph, age 18, Marie-Josèphe, age 16, Marguerite, age 14, and Anne-Barbe, age 10. Ursule never remarried. Two of her daughters married into the LeBlanc, Melançon, and Panvil families and settled on the river. Her son also settled on the river.

Anne Forest, age 37, widow of Pierre Babin, came with two sons--Joseph dit Dios, age 11, and Charles, age 6. Anne remarried to Étienne, son of fellow Acadian Joseph Bujole, at New Orleans in c1768 and returned to Cabanocé. Her sons settled on the river. Charles died young and never married. Joseph married and created a family of his own. One of his sons settled on the upper Lafourche.

Amand Babin of Pigiguit, age 24, came with his wife Marie-Anastasie, called Anastasie, Landry, age 18, and his sisters Élisabeth-Madeleine, age 22, and Marie-Josèphe, age unrecorded. Amand and Anastasie settled on the river and had many children, especially sons. His sisters also remained on the river. Élisabeth-Madeleine married Joseph-Athanase Landry and died in Ascension Parish in January 1812; she was 68 years old.

More of Amand Babin's unmarried siblings--Charles, age 24, Vincent-Ephrem, age 21, and Brigitte, age 16, all born at Pigiguit--came to Louisiana together. Brigitte married into the Landry family. Her brothers settled on the river.

Three unmarried Babin sisters, daughters of Germain Babin of Minas--Marguerite, age 27, Madeleine, age 20, and Marie, age 13--also came to Louisiana together. They married into the Babin and Landry families and remained on the river.

Anne Babin, age 23, came with her husband Paul LeBlanc, age 23, and an infant son. She may have been pregnant when she reached the colony and gave birth to a daughter soon after she and her husband settled at Cabanocé.

Marie-Josèphe Babin, age 19, came with her husband Sylvain LeBlanc, age 25, and a son. They moved to Ascension in the late 1760s, and she died there in January 1807, a widow, age 60.

Anne-Geneviève Babin, age 18, came alone. She married Joseph, son of fellow Acadian Pierre Granger, and moved with him to the Opelousas District in the 1770s.

Descendants of Amand BABIN (c1742-1808)

Amand, eldest son of Paul Babin and Marie Landry, born at Minas in c1742, came to Louisiana from Maryland in September 1766 with his wife Marie-Anastasie, called Anastasie, daughter of Abraham dit Petit-Abram Landry, whom he had married in Maryland earlier that year, and two unmarried sisters. They settled on the left, or east, bank of the river at Ascension, just above St.-Jacques, where they had many children, especially sons. Their daughters married into the Dugas and LeBlanc families. Amand, a widower, died in Ascension Parish in April 1808; the priest who recorded his burial said that Amand was 76 years old when he died, but he was closer to 66. Although half of his 10 sons died young, the other half survived to create large families of their own. Many of Amand's descendants also married cousins. Two of his sons settled at or near Assumption in the upper Bayou Lafourche valley. The others remained at Ascension.


Oldest son Grégoire, born probably at Ascension in c1769, died at age 3 in September 1772.


Paul, born probably at Ascension in c1770, died at age 1 in August 1772.


Alexandre-Eusebe, also called Alex and Eusèbe, born at Ascension in c1772, married Anne, daughter of fellow Acadian Jean Duhon, at St.-Jacques in December 1793. Their son Alexandre-Valéry, called Valéry, a twin, was born at Ascension in October 1795, Narcisse in December 1797 but died at age 18 in February 1816, and Maximilien le jeune, called Émilien, was born in February 1802. Their daughters married into the Landry and LeBlanc families. Alex remarried to Madeleine, daughter of fellow Acadian Sylvain LeBlanc and widow of Pierre Landry, at the Donaldson church, Ascension Parish, in January 1809. Their son Vital Trasimond, called Trasimond, was born in Ascension Parish in November 1809, and Alexandre Homer or Homer Alexandre in September 1811 but died at age 1 in September 1812. Alex remarried again--his third marriage--to cousin Marie Madeleine Breaux, widow of Raphael Landry, at the Donaldsonville church in September 1825; they had to secure a dispensation for third degree of consanguinity. Alex, called Eusèbe by the Donaldsonville priest, died in Ascension Parish in November 1831; the priest who recorded his burial said that Eusèbe was 65 years old when he died, but he was closer to 60.


Valéry, by his first wife, married cousin Adélaide, daughter of Joseph Babin, at the Donaldson church, Ascension Parish, in August 1816. Their son Antoine Valery was born in Ascension Parish in April 1817, Alexandre Maximilien in August 1820, and Thomas or Damas Albert in March 1823 but died at age 5 months the following September. Valery died in Ascension Parish in February 1826; he was only 30 years old; his widow Adélaïde remarried to Olivier, son of Simon Landry and widower of Marie Julaire, at the Donaldsonville church in July 1827.

Antoine Valéry married cousin Élisabeth Delphine, daughter of fellow Acadian Eloi Joseph Landry, at the Donaldsonville church in January 1838; Élisabeth's mother was a Babin. Their son Alexandre Amédée was born in Ascension Parish in March 1839. ...


Émilien, by his first wife, married cousin Marie Victoire, called Victoire, daughter of fellow Acadian Étienne Breaux, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in July 1825; they had to secure a dispensation for third degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their infant son, name unrecorded, died in Ascension Parish several days after his birth in January 1833, Alexandre Germain was born in February 1834, and Étienne Adélard in December 1836. ...


Trasimond, by his second wife, married cousin Clarisse, daughter of fellow Acadian Jérôme Melançon, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in August 1829; they had to secure a dispensation for fourth degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their son Alexandre Sosthène was born in Ascension Parish in October 1830, and a child, perhaps a son, name unrecorded, died 8 days after its birth in April 1837. ...


Simon-Raphael, called Simonet, born at Ascension in August 1773, married Marguerite-Apolline, sometimes called Apolline, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Landry, at Ascension in January 1796. Their son Simon-Sifroi, called Sifroi or Siffrin, was born at Ascension in November 1796, Alexandre-Eugène in April 1799, Evariste in October 1801, Louis Survandeau in April 1805, an infant son, name unrecorded, died in August 1808, Valentin Jean was born in March 1810, and Marcellin Michel in September 1811. They also had a son named Maxile. Their daughters married into the Hébert, Landry, and LeBlanc families. Simon Raphael died in Ascension Parish in July 1822; he was 49 years old.


Siffrin married cousin Madeleine Julienne, called Julienne and also Sevastienne, daughter of fellow Acadian Simon Bénoni Landry, at the Donaldson church, Ascension Parish, in June 1818; they had to secure a dispensation for third degree of relationship in order to marry. Their son Raphael Jacques was baptized at the Donaldson church, age unrecorded, in June 1819. Siffrin remarried to cousin Marie Loraide or Zorai, daughter of Francois Landry, at the Donaldsonville church in May 1823 and remarried again--his third marriage--to another cousin, Leocade, daughter of Nicolas Landry, at the Donaldsonville church in January 1826. Siffrin remarried yet again--his fourth marriage--to cousin Marie Jeanette, called Jeanette, another daughter of Jérôme Melançon, at the Donaldsonville church in February 1829; they had to secure a dispensation for second degree of affinity and fourth degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their son Jérôme Émile was born in Ascension Parish in January 1830, an infant son, name unrecorded, died a week after his birth in April 1831, and Edouard was born in April 1832 but died at age 1 1/2 in January 1834. ...


Evariste married cousin Marie Rose, called Rose, daughter of fellow Acadian Jean Baptiste Melançon, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in January 1828; they had to secure a dispensation for fourth degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their son Corentin Joseph was born in Ascension Parish in February 1837, and Aulime near St. Gabriel, Iberville Parish, in May 1839. ...


Maxile married cousin Adeline, daughter of fellow Acadian Donat Landry, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in August 1828; they had to secure a dispensation for second degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their son Joseph Duval le jeune was born in Ascension Parish in March 1829, Simonet Osémé in November 1830, Maxile Comes in September 1833, Sabaosear in December 1834, and Homer in March 1838. ...


Marcellin died in Ascension Parish in February 1831. He was only 20 years old and did not marry.


Valentin married cousin Clothilde Emeranthe, daughter of fellow Acadian Edouard Landry, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in August 1833; they had to secure a dispensation for third degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their son Valentin Privat was born in Ascension Parish in August 1837. ...


Jean-Jacques, born probably at Ascension in c1774, died at age 19 months in July 1775.


Jacques, born at Ascension in January 1775, also may have died young.


Augustin, born at Ascension in April 1781, died at age 2 1/2 in July 1783.


Landry, born at Ascension in November 1782, married Marie-Louise, sometimes called Louise, daughter of fellow Acadian Francois Landry, at Ascension in April 1802. Their son Edouard Landry was born at Ascension in November 1805, Pierre Trasimond in May 1810, Nicolas in November 1814, and Casimir Sifroi in March 1817. Landry moved to Lafourche Interior Parish in the late 1810s or 1820s, where he died and where most of his children also settled.


Pierre-Maximilien, called Maximilien and sometimes Émilien, born at Ascension in November 1784, married cousin Julie Rosalie, daughter of fellow Acadian Athanase Dugas, at Ascension in May 1804; they had to secure a dispensation for third degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their son Onesime was born probably at Ascension in c1805, Anauville or Merville Rosemond in July 1806, Pierre Duval in May 1808, Jérôme Léon, called Léon, was born in January 1810, an infant son, name unrecorded, died at age 1 month in September 1811, Sifroi Henri was born in July 1812, Amand Prudent in October 1816, Sifroi Victorin, called Victorin, in September 1818, twins Gotraud Théodule and Rupert Detrean in March 1821 but Rupert died at age 5 months the following September, and Pierre Sylvanie was born in November 1827. Pierre Maximilien died in Ascension Parish in January 1837; the priest who recorded his burial said that Maximilien was 54 years old when he died, but he was 52.


Onesime married Marie Arthémise, called Arthémise, daughter of fellow Acadian Raphael Landry, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in February 1824. Onesime died in Ascension Parish in July 1825; he was only 21 years old. His son Pierre Onesime, called Onesime, born posthumously in Ascension Parish in February 1826, died at age 10 months the following December. Onesime's wife Arthémise also died in December 1826; she was 22 years old.


Merville died in Ascension Parish in September 1825. He was only 18 years old and did not marry.


Pierre Duval married cousin Rosalie Euphrasie, daughter of fellow Acadian Jean Baptiste Gaudin, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in January 1830; they had to secure a dispensation for third degree of consanguinity in order to marry; Rosalie's mother, also, was a Dugas. Their son Pierre died in Ascension Parish, age unrecorded, in April 1831, and Pierre Gustave was born in February 1835. Pierre Duval died in Ascension Parish in December 1836; he was only 28 years old. ...


Léon married Elise, daughter of fellow Acadian Victor Landry, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in October 1835. Léon died in Ascension Parish in February 1836; he was only 26 years old. He probably fathered no children.


Victorin married cousin Marie Laurenza, daughter of Jean Denoue, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in September 1839; Marie's mother was a Babin. ...


Amand Prudent married Marguerite Celina, daughter of fellow Acadian Jérôme Rivet, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in October 1839. ...


Youngest son Louis, born at Ascension in April 1786, married Anne Céleste, daughter of fellow Acadian Théodore Dugas, at Ascension in May 1806. They lived near the boundary of Ascension and Assumption parishes. Their son Alexandre Louis was born in Ascension Parish in April 1807, Cyprien Sevin, a twin, in September 1808 but died at age 11 in Assumption Parish in January 1820, Rosemond Ambroise was born in Ascension Parish in May 1812, Eugène Hubert or Hubert Ulgère, called Ulgère and sometimes Hubert, in March 1814, Pierre Casimir, called Casimir, in February 1818 but died at age 18 in November 1835, Leon Laurent was born in Assumption Parish in August 1823, Joseph Magloire in February 1826, Joseph Faustin in February 1830 but died at age 2 months the following April, and Francois Xavier died at age 18 months in June 1833. Their daughters married into the Dugas and Landry families.


Alexandre married cousin Henriette Phelonise, called Phelonise, daughter of Paul Babin, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in August 1827; they had to secure a dispensation for third degree of consanguinity in order to marry. They, too, lived near the boundary of Ascension and Assumption parishes. Their son Joseph Villiot was born in Ascension Parish in March 1833, and Jean Osémé in February 1835. ...


Ulgère married cousin Marie Eugènie, called Eugènie, another daughter of Paul Babin, at the Donaldsonville church in January 1831. Their son Joseph Francois Xavier was born in Ascension Parish in December 1831, and Joseph Numa in February 1838. ...

Descendants of Charles BABIN (c1742-)

Charles, second son of Paul Babin and Marie Landry, born at Minas in c1742, came to Louisiana from Maryland in September 1766 with two siblings. They settled at Cabanocé/St.-Jacques, where Charles married cousin Madeleine, daughter of perhaps Germain Babin, in March 1767. In 1770, they were living on the left, or east, bank of the river at Ascension, just above St.-Jacques. Their daughters married into the Breaux and Landry families. Charles died by November 1781, when Madeleine remarried to Joseph dit Dios, son of fellow Acadian René Landry and widower of Madeleine LeBlanc, at Ascension. His older son moved to Lafourche Interior Parish. His younger son's line of the family seems to have died out early.


Older son Joseph, born at either St.-Jacques or Ascension in c1769, married Marguerite, daughter of fellow Acadian Charles Godin dit Lincour, at Ascension in June 1801. Their son Joseph Thomas was born at Ascension in December 1804, Jean Evariste, called Evariste, in October 1806, Marcellin in January 1817, and Charles Dominique near St. Gabriel, Iberville Parish, in September 1820. In the 1820s, they moved to Lafourche Interior Parish, where their children also settled.


Younger son Alain, born probably at Ascension in c1772, married Céleste, daughter of fellow Acadian Anselme Landry, at Ascension in May 1794. Their son Alain-Severin was born at Ascension in February 1795. Alain died at Ascension in October 1796; he was only 24 years old. His daughter Marie-Matilde was born posthumously the following January. His children may have died young, so this branch of the family may not have survived in the Bayou State.

Descendants of Vincent-Ephrem BABIN (c1745-1810)

Vincent-Ephrem, called Ephrem, third and youngest son of Paul Babin and Marie Landry, born at Minas in c1745, came to Louisiana from Maryland in September 1766 with two siblings. They settled at Cabanocé/St.-Jacques, where Ephrem married fellow Acadian Marguerite LeBlanc in c1767. In 1777, they were living on the left, or east, bank of the river at Ascension, just above St.-Jacques. Their daughter married into the Landry family. Ephrem died in Ascension Parish in September 1810; he was 67 years old.


Oldest son Paul-Dominique, baptized at St.-Jacques, age unrecorded, in June 1770, may have been the Paul Babin who died near St. Gabriel, Iberville Parish, at age 45 in April 1815. The priest who recorded his burial did not bother to list his parents' names or mention a wife.


Jean-Jacques, called Jacques, baptized at the Ascension church, age unrecorded, in April 1777, married Marie Francoise, called Francoise and also Jeanne, daughter of fellow Acadian Hyacinthe Landry, at Ascension in November 1796. Their son Joseph-Ephrem was born at Ascension in July 1799 but died at age 2 in December 1801, Lufroi Ephrem was born in August 1811, Honoré in August 1813, and Sylvestre in January 1816 but died at age 7 in February 1823. Jacques died in Ascension Parish in March 1816; he was only 38 years old and a widower, so his wife may have died from complications of childbirth a few weeks earlier. Their daughter married into the Bujole and LeBlanc families. ...


Joseph-Alexandre, born at Ascension in March 1779, may have died young.


Youngest son Simon, born at Ascension in December 1781, may have died in Ascension Parish at age 22 in March 1804. He never married.

Descendants of Joseph BABIN (c1745-)

Joseph, fils, elder son of Joseph Babin, père and Anne Thériot, born probably at Pigiguit in c1745, came to Louisiana from Maryland in September 1766 with his widowed mother and two siblings. They settled at Cabanocé/St.-Jacques, where Joseph, fils married fellow Acadian Marie Landry in February 1768. In 1770, they were living on the left, or east, bank of the river at Ascension, just upriver from St.-Jacques. By 1777, they had crossed the river to the right, or west, bank at St.-Jacques; they probably lived near the boundary of St.-Jacques and Ascension. Their daughters married into the Bourgeois, Gautreaux, Robichaux, and Roger families. Joseph remarried to Anne-Hippolythe, daughter of fellow Acadian Paul Doiron, at St.-Jacques in February 1797; he was 52 years old. The only one of his sons who married settled in the upper Bayou Lafourche valley.


Oldest son Jean-Louis, called Louis, by his first wife, born at Ascension in November 1775, died at age 21 in July 1796. He did not marry.


Joseph, fils, baptized at St.-Jacques, age unrecorded, in March 1777, also may have died young.


Youngest son Auguste, born at Ascension in November 1778, married Marie Anne, called Anne, daughter of fellow Acadian Charles Bergeron of Ascension, at Assumption, on the upper Lafourche, in May 1800. They settled at Assumption.

Descendants of Jean-Jacques BABIN (c1748-)

Jean-Jacques, younger son of Joseph Babin and Anne Thériot, born probably at Pigiguit in c1748, came to Louisiana from Maryland in September 1766 with his widowed mother and two siblings. They settled at Cabanocé/St.-Jacques, where Jean-Jacques married fellow Acadian Marguerite Landry in the late 1760s or early 1770s. In the late 1770s, they were living on the right, or west, bank of the river at St.-Jacques, near the boundary with Ascension. Their daughters married into the Boudreaux and Richard families; one of them lived in St. Martin Parish, west of the Atchafalaya Basin. Most of Jean-Jacques and Marguerite's sons died young or did not marry. One of their married sons moved to Lafourche Interior Parish. The other remained in Ascension Parish, but his line of the family, except for its blood, died out early.


Oldest son Donat, baptized at St.-Jacques, age unrecorded, in September 1773, may not have survived childhood.


Paul, baptized at St.-Jacques, age unrecorded, in September 1776, may have been the Paul Babin who died near St. Gabriel, Iberville Parish, in April 1816. The priest who recorded his burial said that Paul was 38 years old when he died and did not bother to list his parents' names or mention a wife.


Eloi or D'Artoise, also called Eusèbe, born at Ascension in December 1778, married cousin Anne Francoise, called Francoise, daughter of fellow Acadian Anselme Landry, at Ascension in June 1805; they had to secure a dispensation for third degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their son Eusèbe Rosemond was born in Ascension Parish in December 1809 but died at age 11 months in October 1810. Their daughters married into the Breaux and Lambert families. Except for its blood, this line of the family did not survive in the Bayou State.


Jacques-Alexandre, born at Ascension in December 1783, married Julienne, daughter of fellow Acadian Paul Melançon, at St. Jacques in November 1804. Their son Ursin was born at St. Jacques in September 1805, Jean Jacques le jeune at Ascension in November 1806, Joseph Oleus in May 1808, Paul Onesime in January 1810, Jacques Eugène, called Eugène, in November 1811, Jacques Alexandre, fils near Convent, St. James Parish, in March 1816, and Louis David in Lafourche Interior Parish in October 1821. By the early 1820s, they had moved to Lafourche Interior Parish, where their children also settled.


Youngest son Pligio, born probably at Ascension in c1788, died at St.-Jacques at age 9 in November 1797.

Descendants of Joseph BABIN (c1748-1809)

Joseph, son of Jean-Baptiste Babin and Ursule Landry, born at Minas in c1748, came to Louisiana from Maryland in September 1766 with his widowed mother and three sisters. They settled at Cabanocé/St.-Jacques, where Joseph married Osite, daughter of fellow Acadian Jacques LeBlanc, in January 1771. By 1777, they were living on the right, or west, bank of the river at Ascension, just above St.-Jacques. Their daughters married into the Babin, Boudreaux, Landry, and LeBlanc families. Joseph died in Ascension Parish in March 1809; the priest who recorded his burial said that Joseph was 66 years old when he died, but he was closer to 61. His sons settled in or near Ascension Parish.


Oldest son Joseph-Ephrem, born at Ascension in November 1774, married Anne Marie or Marine, called Marine, daughter of fellow Acadian Francois Hébert, at St.-Gabriel, just upriver from Ascension, in April 1797. Their son, name unrecorded, died probably at St.-Gabriel 8 days after his birth in February 1799, Alain-Joseph or Joseph-Alain was born at Ascension in August 1802, Trasimond in December 1813, and Liboise Apollinaire, called Apollinaire, in June in 1816 but died at age 2 in June 1818. Their daughters married into the Doiron, Dupuy, and Lopez families. Joseph Ephrem died in Ascension Parish in March 1838; the priest who recorded his burial said that Joseph was 61 years old when he died, but he was 63.

Joseph Alain married Rosalie Émilie, daughter of fellow Acadian Edouard Daigle, at the Baton Rouge church, East Baton Rouge Parish, in January 1824. Their son Joseph Arsene was born near Baton Rouge in July 1827. ...


Paul, born at Ascension in March 1776, married Céleste, daughter of fellow Acadian Charles Landry, at Ascension in September 1797. Their son Simon Leufroi was born in Ascension Parish in August 1808, Hippolyte Adolphe in December 1813, and Valery in September 1816. Their daughters married into the Denoue and Landry families. Paul died in Ascension Parish in July 1835; he was 59 years old. ...


Simon Leufroi married cousin Rosalie, daughter of Joseph Bénoni Babin, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in April 1834. ...


Hippolyte Adolphe married Marie Arthémise, daughter of fellow Acadian Jérôme Rivet, at the Donaldsonville church in August 1836. Their son Hippolyte Germain was born in Ascension Parish in July 1839. ...


Jean-Charles, called Charles, born probably at Ascension in the late 1770s, married cousin Francoise, daughter of fellow Acadian Isaac LeBlanc, probably at Ascension in the late 1790s. Their son Joseph-Valery, called Valery, was born at Ascension in March 1799, Joseph-Hubert in November 1800, Charles, fils in February 1809 but died at age 20 months in October 1810, and Isaac Colin was born in June 1811 but died at age 1 in December 1812. Charles, père remarried to Madeleine, daughter of French Creole Pierre Denoue, at the Plattenville church, Assumption Parish, in December 1822. Their daughter Aurelienne Euphémie was born posthumously in Ascension Parish in September 1823; Charles, père would have been in his late 40s at the time of his death.

Valéry married Marie Madeleine, called Madeleine, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Orillion, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in November 1819. Their son, name unrecorded, died a day after his birth in October 1820, and Valéry, fils died a month after his birth in January 1828. Their daughter married into the Leroy family. Valery remarried to Andrea, daughter of Joseph Corbo, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in June 1829. Their son Joseph Ovid, called Ovid, was born in Ascension Parish in September 1830, Charles Antoine in July 1832, and Terence in Assumption Parish in September 1837. ...


Pierre-Delage, called Delage, born at Ascension in April 1779, died at age 6 in August 1785.


Simon, baptized at Ascension, age unrecorded, in May 1787, married Sidalise Marguerite or Marguerite Sidalise, daughter of fellow Acadian Olivier Landry, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in April 1814. Their son Honoré was born in Ascension Parish in March 1815, Anselme in April 1817, Désire in May 1819, Joseph Leufroi in July 1830, and Simon Valsin in May 1832.

Honoré married cousin Marie Mathilde, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Landry, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in April 1838. ...


Claude-Raphael, born at Ascension in September 1793, married Marie Arthémise, called Arthémise, daughter of fellow Acadian Donat Landry, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in August 1819. Their son Michel Raphael was born in Ascension Parish in September 1821, Denis Dosile in October 1823, and Varis Théodule in February 1826. Claude Raphael died in Ascension Parish in July 1828; he was only 34 years old. ...


Youngest son Valéry Damase, born at Ascension in December 1796, died at his brother Paul's home in Ascension Parish in March 1824. He was only 28 years old and probably never married.

Descendants of Joseph BABIN dit Dios (c1755-1782)

Joseph dit Dios, elder son of Pierre Babin and Anne Forest, born either at Minas or in Maryland in c1755, came to Louisiana from Maryland in September 1766 with his widowed mother and younger brother. His mother remarried at New Orleans soon after they reached the colony but returned to Cabanocé/St.-Jacques. Joseph married Marine, daughter of fellow Acadian Désire LeBlanc, at Ascension, just above St.-Jacques, in February 1775. A few years later, they were living on the right, or west, bank of the river at Ascension. Joseph dit Dios died at Ascension in February 1782; he was only 28 years old. Only one of Joseph dit Dios's four sons produced a line of the family that survived, but, in spite of the son's early death, it became a substantial one.


Oldest son Paul-Hippolyte, called Hippolyte, born at Ascension in November 1775, married cousin Henriette, daughter of fellow Acadian Simon LeBlanc, at St.-Jacques in June 1796; they had to secure a dispensation for second degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their son Eugène was born at St.-Jacques in March 1797, Antoine near Assumption, in the upper Bayou Lafourche valley, in November 1800, and Désire at St.-Jacques in June 1805 but died at age 6 in September 1811. Hippolyte died in St. James Parish in August 1811; the priest who recorded his burial said that Hippolyte was 27 years old when he died, but he was 35.


Eugène died at the home of Rosemond LeBlanc of Fausse Pointe, St. Martin Parish, in June 1822. He was only 25 years old and probably never married.


Antoine died at the home of Widow Rosemond LeBlanc of Fausse Pointe in September 1826. He was only 26 years old and also never married. This line of the family probably died with him.


Charles, born at Ascension in May 1777, died at age 2 in December 1779.


Benjamin, baptized at St.-Jacques, age not recorded, in July 1778, married Félicité, daughter of fellow Acadian Jean-Marie Richard, at St.-Jacques in May 1797. Their son Joseph was born at St.-Jacques in March 1799, Adélard in January 1801, Benjamin Ursin, called Ursin, in August 1808, and Nicolas in April 1810. Their daughters married into the LeBoeuf and Richard families. Benjamin, père died in St. James Parish in September 1811; he was only 33 years old.


Adélard married Henriette Elise or Lise, called Elise, 21-year-old daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Melançon, at the St. James church, St. James Parish, in June 1820. Their son Simon Oscar was born in Ascension Parish in February 1828, and Adélard, fils died several days after his birth in August 1831. Adélard remarried to Célanie or Cléonise, daughter of fellow Acadian Olivier Breaux, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in December 1835. Their newborn child, perhaps a son, name unrecorded, died in Ascension Parish in October 1836, and Pierre Adélard was born in March 1838. Adélard died in Ascension Parish in November 1839; he was only 39 years old. ...


Joseph married Théostiste Basilice, daughter of fellow Acadian Eloi Landry, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in January 1827. Their son Benjamin Rigobert was born in Ascension Parish in January 1828, Philias Constant near Convent, St. James Parish, in February 1829, Joseph was baptized at the Convent church, age 1 year and 26 days, in October 1835, and Nicolas le jeune was born in May 1837. ...


Ursin married fellow Acadian Marie Adele or Odile, called Odile, Berteau probably in Ascension Parish in the early 1830s. Their son Joseph Ursin was born in Ascension Parish in October 1836. ...


Nicolas married Marie Antoinette, daughter of fellow Acadian Alexandre Breaux, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in February 1837. Their son Jean Baptiste Théodore was born in Ascension Parish in April 1837, Joseph Alexandre in March 1838, and Louis Albert in August 1839. ...


Youngest son Jérôme, baptized at St.-Jacques, age not recorded, in May 1780, may have died young.

Charles BABIN (c1760-1783)

Charles, younger son of Pierre Babin and Anne Forest, born probably in Maryland in c1760, came to Louisiana from Maryland in September 1766 with his widowed mother and older brother. His mother remarried at New Orleans soon after they reached the colony but returned to Cabanocé/St.-Jacques. Charles died at Ascension, just upriver from St.-Jacques, in January 1783; he was only 22 years old and never married.


Five more Babin families and a number of Babin wives and widows arrived from Maryland in July 1767 and were sent to the new Acadian community of St.-Gabriel d'Iberville, on the river above Cabanocé. Since communication via the river between St.-Gabriel and Cabanocé, where their kinsmen from Maryland had recently settled, was not difficult, the new arrivals agreed to go there:

Marie _____, age 66, widow of _____ Babin, came with a daughter, Marie, age 22. They remained on the river.

Joseph Babin of Pigiguit, age 54, a widower, came with three children--Anne-Élisabeth or Isabelle, age 24, Étienne, age 18, and Cyprien, age 17. Joseph did not remarry and remained at St.-Gabriel. Daughter Anne-Élisabeth married twice into the Hébert family before she died at St.-Gabriel in December 1799. One of Joseph's sons settled at St.-Gabriel. The other never married.

Marie-Madeleine Babin, age 49, came with her husband Augustin Landry, age 48, and six children. They remained on the river. Marie-Madeleine died at St. Gabriel in March 1814; she was 95 years old.

Pierre Babin, age 43, came with his wife Madeleine Richard, age 29, two children--Louise-Ludivine, age 13, and Simon-Pierre, age 3--and orphan Paul Babin, age 16. Pierre and Madeleine remained at St.-Gabriel and had more children there.

Geneviève Babin, age 43, widow of Amand Hébert, who died on the voyage from Baltimore to New Orleans, came with a son and three daughters. They remained on the river.

Jean-Baptiste Babin, age 38, came with his wife Isabelle-Marguerite LeBlanc, age 20, two children--Marguerite, age 2, and Pierre, an infant--and orphan Marie Babin, age 3. Jean-Baptiste and Isabelle-Marguerite had more children at St.-Gabriel.

Anne Babin, age 37, came with her husband Amand Melanson, age 39, and four sons. She died at St.-Gabriel in November 1801; the priest who recorded her burial said that she was 79 years old when she died.

Ignace Babin, age 26, brother of Paul, came with his wife Marguerite Breau, age 28, and infant son Paul le jeune. Ignace remarried to Marie-Josèphe, daughter of perhaps Joseph LeBlanc and widow of Joseph Blanchard, at St.-Jacques in February 1778. She gave him more children. They remained on the river.

Judith-Théotiste Babin, age 23, came with her husband Diego Hernandez, age 28, and a daughter. They remained on the river.

Descendants of Pierre BABIN (c1724-)

Pierre Babin, born probably at Minas, came to Louisiana from Maryland in July 1767 with his wife Madeleine Richard, a teenage daughter, a young son, and a teenage orphan. He and Madeleine remained at St.-Gabriel, where they had more children. In 1777, they were living at St.-Gabriel on the "right bank ascending." Their daughters married into the Bujole and Landry families. Their older son settled on the river near the boundary between Iberville and West Baton Rouge parishes, where most of his sons died young or did not marry; one of them, however, did create a family of his own and became a prosperous sugar planter. Pierre's younger son's line died out despite two marriages.


Older son Simon-Pierre or Pierre-Simon, born in Maryland in c1764, married cousin Constance, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Richard, at St.-Gabriel in April 1795. Their son Simon was born at St.-Gabriel in December 1796, Simon-Pierre, fils, also called Vernon-Pierre, in August 1801, Joseph-Valery, called Valéry, in May 1803, and Pierre Paul was born posthumously in June 1810. Simon Pierre died near St. Gabriel in December 1809; the priest who recorded his burial said that Simon Pierre was 50 years old when he died, but he was closer to 45.


Valéry died near St. Gabriel in February 1822. He was only 19 years old and never married.


Vernon Pierre died near St. Gabriel in January 1835. He was 35 years old and probably never married.


Pierre Paul, living in West Baton Rouge Parish, married Henriette, also called Euphémie, daughter of fellow Acadian Charles LeBlanc of West Baton Rouge Parish, at the Baton Rouge church, East Baton Rouge Parish, in May 1836. Their son Pierre Paul, fils was born near St. Gabriel in October 1838. ...


Younger son Joseph-Dosithe, sometimes called Dosithe, born at St.-Gabriel in January 1774, married cousin Marguerite, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Hébert, at St.-Gabriel in October 1798; they had to secure a dispensation for third degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Dosithe remarried to Marie Rose, daughter of fellow Acadian Paul Daigle and widow of Augustin Templet, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in May 1819. Joseph Dosithe died probably near St. Gabriel in May 1830; he was 56 years old. His line of the family probably died with him.

Descendants of Jean-Baptiste BABIN (c1739-)

Jean-Baptiste Babin, born probably at Minas in c1739, came to Louisiana from Maryland in July 1767 with his wife Isabelle-Marguerite LeBlanc, a 2-year-old daughter, an infant son, and a 3-year-old orphan. He and Isabelle-Marguerite settled on the "right back ascending" at St.-Gabriel, where they had more children, including many more sons. Their daughters married into the Allain, Breaux, and LeBlanc families. ...


Oldest son Pierre, born in Maryland in January 1767, only a few months before the family sailed to Louisiana, probably died young.


Grégoire, born at St.-Gabriel in c1768, married Marie-Anne, called Marine or Marinette, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph LeBlanc, at St.-Gabriel in May 1800. Their son Sylvere or Sylvestre was born at St. Gabriel in December 1804, Grégoire Napoléon in April 1810, Balthazar in September 1814, and Edouard Marcellin in October 1816. Their daughters married into the Comeaux and LeBlanc families. Grégoire died near St. Gabriel in October 1828; the priest who recorded his burial said that Grégoire was 60 years old when he died.

Sylvestre married fellow Acadian Euphemie Hébert probably at St. Gabriel in the early 1830s. Their son Telesphore was born near Baton Rouge in December 1834, and Antoine Omer in September 1838. ...


Joseph-Casimir, born at St.-Gabriel in c1773, married Anne or Marie Madeleine, called Madeleine, daughter of fellow Acadian Étienne Hébert, at St.-Gabriel in October 1798. Their son Joseph-Casimir, fils, called Casimir, was born at St.-Gabriel in March 1803 but died at age 7 1/2 in December 1810, Jean Baptiste le jeune was born in May 1802, Francois Napoléon Théophile, called Théophile, in April 1806, twins Derosin and Jean Pierre in June 1808 but Jean Pierre died at age 7 in February 1816, Francois Célestin, called Célestin, was born in October 1810, Henri Valmon, also called Henry V., in September 1814, and Jean Baptiste Joseph Marcellin in February 1818. Their daughters married into the Provenché and Thomas families.


Théophile married cousin Phelonise, daughter of Bénoni Hébert, at the Baton Rouge church in February 1827. ...


Jean Baptiste le jeune married Judith, daughter of David Provenché, at the Baton Rouge church in January 1828; Judith's brother married one of Jean Baptiste's sisters; their mother was a LeBlanc. Their son Jean Baptiste, fils died near St. Gabriel 8 days after his birth in March 1832. Jean Baptiste le jeune died near St. Gabriel in June 1833; he was only 31 years old. ...


Derosin married Catherine Bouillon probably at Baton Rouge in the early 1830s. Their son Gilbert Derosin was born near Baton Rouge in February 1835. ...


Célestin married Marie Eloise, daughter of fellow Acadian Rémy Doiron, at the Baton Rouge church, East Baton Rouge Parish, in July 1836. ...


Henry V., living in West Baton Rouge Parish, married fellow Acadian Faustine Trahan of West Baton Rouge Parish at the Baton Rouge church, East Baton Rouge Parish, in June 1838. ...


Senateur, sometimes called Nateur, Nator, and Joseph-Senateur, born at St.-Gabriel in September 1774, married Élise, Eloise, or Heloise, another daughter of Joseph LeBlanc, at St.-Gabriel in April 1799. Their son Senateur-Victor or Victor-Senateur, was born at St.-Gabriel in August 1801, Joseph Neville in August 1803 but died at age 1 in June 1804, and Guillaume or William Neuville, called Neuville, was born in December 1809. Their daughters married into the Dupuy, Joly, and Lesassier families. Senateur died near St. Gabriel in March 1821; the priest who recorded his burial said that Senateur was 40 years old when he died, but he was 46.


Victor married cousin Marguerite, daughter of fellow Acadian Isaac LeBlanc and widow of ____ Chiasson, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in December 1826. Their son Michel Adolphe was born near St. Gabriel in September 1827. ...


Neuville married Melanie, daughter of fellow Acadian Louis Part, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in February 1836. Their son Louis Senateur was born near St. Gabriel in June 1838. ...


Pierre-Olivier, called Olivier, baptized at St.-Jacques, downriver from St.-Gabriel, age unrecorded, in June 1777, died at age 10 in March 1787.


Jean-Pierre, born at St.-Gabriel in November 1778, died near St. Gabriel, Iberville Parish, in September 1826. The priest who recorded his burial said that Jean Pierre was 45 years old when he died, but he was 47. The priest said nothing of a wife, so Jean-Pierre probably never married.


Félix-Simon, called Simon, born at St.-Gabriel in May 1781, married cousin Henriette, also called Marine, daughter of fellow Acadian Simon Landry, at the St.-Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in June 1804; Henriette's mother was a Babin. Their son Simon Eugène was born near St. Gabriel in April 1807, Simon Rosemond in September 1813, Jean Baptiste Dorville was baptized at the St. Gabriel church, age unrecorded, in May 1818, and Jean Adolphe was born in December 1820. Their daughter married into the Desbains family. Simon may have died near St. Gabriel in June 1826; the priest who recorded his burial said that Simon was 40 years old when he died, but he would have been 45. ...


Youngest son Paul, born at St.-Gabriel in June 1783, married Marie-Céleste, called Céleste, daughter of Jean Pierre Cullere, Dullere, or Tuillier, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in February 1813; Céleste's mother was a LeBlanc. Their son Pierre Paul, called Paul, fils, was born near St. Gabriel in May 1816. Their daughter married into the Brasseaux family.

Paul, fils married cousin Euphemie, daughter of fellow Acadian Pierre Paul LeBlanc, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in January 1837. ...

Descendants of Ignace BABIN (c1741-1791)

Ignace, elder son of Dominique Babin and Marguerite Boudrot, born at Minas in c1741, came to Louisiana from Maryland in July 1767 with his wife Marguerite Breau, whom he had married in Maryland, and an infant son. They settled at St.-Gabriel, where they had more children. Their daughter married into the Moreau family and settled in the Atakapas District. Ignace remarried to Marie-Josèphe, daughter of perhaps Joseph Landry and widow of Joseph Blanchard, at St.-Jacques, downriver from St.-Gabriel, in February 1778. She gave him another son. Ignace died at St.-Gabriel in November 1791; he was 50 years old. His sons did not create families of their own, so, except for its blood, this branch of the family did not survive in the Bayou State.


Older son Paul, by his first wife, born in Maryland in December 1766, may have been the Paul Babin who died near St. Gabriel, Iberville Parish, in April 1815. The priest who recorded his burial said that Paul was 45 years old when he died and did not bother to list his parents' names or mention a wife.


Younger son Pierre-Paul, by his second wife, baptized at St.-Gabriel, age unrecorded, in December 1779, died at age 17 in January 1797.

Descendants of Paul BABIN (c1751-1802)

Paul, younger son of Dominique Babin and Marguerite Boudrot, born at Minas in c1751, came to Louisiana from Maryland in July 1767 with the family of kinsman Pierre Babin. He followed them to St.-Gabriel, where he married Marguerite, daughter of fellow Acadian Pierre Brasseaux, in February 1784. Their daughters married into the Gomes, Hébert, Landry, LeBlanc, Seguinot, and Thibodeaux families. Paul died at St.-Gabriel in January 1802; he was 50 years old.


Oldest son Paul-Henri, called Henri, born at St.-Gabriel in March 1785, married Marie Louise, called Louise, daughter of fellow Acadian Paul Landry, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in August 1809. Their son Paul Célestin, called Célestin, was born near St. Gabriel in June 1810, and Jean Charles in November 1824. ...

Célestin died near St. Gabriel in January 1839; he was only 28 years old and never married.


Pierre, born at St.-Gabriel in May 1786, married Marine, daughter of fellow Acadian Paul Chiasson, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in February 1811. Their son Pierre Ursin was born near St. Gabriel in November 1811, an infant son, name unrecorded, died a few days after his birth in December 1813, Jean Trasimond was born in April 1818, and Adolphe in August 1827. Their daughter married into the Ross family. ...


Hubert, born at St.-Gabriel in July 1796, died near St. Gabriel in April 1827. He was only 30 years and probably never married.


Youngest son Victor, born at St. Gabriel in June 1801, died at age 15 months in October 1802.

Descendants of Étienne BABIN (c1749-1788)

Étienne, elder son of Joseph Babin and Anne-Marie Landry, born probably at Pigiguit in c1749, came to Louisiana from Maryland in July 1767 with his widowed father and two siblings and followed them to St.-Gabriel, where he married a woman whose name has been lost to history. Evidently she gave him no children. He remarried to Marie-Madeleine, sometimes called Madeleine, daughter of fellow Acadian Bonaventure LeBlanc, at St.-Jacques, downriver from St.-Gabriel, in January 1778. Their daughters married into the Lacave, Lopez, and Seguinaud families. Étienne died at St.-Gabriel in December 1788; he was only 39 years old. None of his four sons seems to have married, so this branch of the family, except for its blood, may not have survived in the Bayou State.


Oldest son Joseph, born at St.-Gabriel in October 1778, died at age 10 months in 1779.


Joseph-Bénoni, born at St.-Gabriel in December 1781, died at age 3 years in October 1784.


Augustin, born at St.-Gabriel in March 1786, may have been the Auguste Babin who died at St. Gabriel in March 1827. He would have been 41 years old at the time. The priest who recorded the burial did not bother to list Auguste's parents' names or mention a wife.


Youngest son Louis-Raphael, born at St.-Gabriel in January 1788, may have died young.

Cyprien BABIN (c1750-1814)

Cyprien, younger son of Joseph Babin and Anne-Marie Landry, born probably at Pigiguit in c1750, came to Louisiana from Maryland in July 1767 with his widowed father and two siblings and followed them to St.-Gabriel. In the late 1700s or early 1800s, he moved upriver to the Baton Rouge area, where he died in January 1814. The priest who recorded his burial said that Cyprien was 70 years old when he died, but he was closer to 64. He never married.


Three more Babin families, an individual, a Babin wife and a widow came from Port Tobacco, Maryland, in February 1768 with the extended family led by brothers Alexis and Honoré Breau. Spanish Governor Ulloa insisted that they go to the new Spanish outpost, San Luis de Natchez, far upriver from the other Acadian settlements. The Breau brothers refused and went into hiding to avoid deportation at the hands of the angry governor. The Babins and other members of the Breau party reluctantly moved to the new settlement. This dispute was one reason why Acadians joined the French Creoles in a revolt against Ulloa in October 1768. The next year, after he suppressed the rebellion, Ulloa's successor, General Alejandro O'Reilly, allowed the Natchez Acadians to abandon Fort San Luis and move to other settlements farther down the river, closer to their relatives:

Catherine Landry, age 48, widow of Antoine Babin, came with seven children--Claire, age 24, Louise, age 22, Firmin, age 21, Charles, age 18, Rose, age 14, Élisabeth or Isabelle, age 4, and Marie, age unrecorded. After the Acadians abandoned San Luis de Natchez, she took her family to Ascension. Her daughters married into the Breaux, Dies, Dugas, and Guédry families. Some of them stayed at Ascension, and others moved to the western prairies with their husbands. Her sons settled at Ascension.

Joseph Babin, age 38, came with his wife Rose-Osite, called Osite, LeBlanc, age 37, two children--Simon, age 5, and Marie-Rose, age 2--and his younger brother Joseph le jeune, age 21. They settled at San Luis de Natchez and then at Ascension.

Marguerite Babin, age 38, widow of Alexis Comeau, came with three sons and a daughter.

Marie Babin, age 28, came with her husband Mathurin Landry, age 34, and two children.

Francois-Marie Babin, age 26, Catherine Landry's oldest son, came with his wife Marguerite-Hélène Breau, age 31, two sons--Charles, age 4, and Paul, an infant--and two young orphans, Babin siblings Mathurin, age 12, and Anne, age 7. They settled at San Luis de Natchez and then at Ascension, where one of their sons and Mathurin also settled. Anne married fellow Acadian Jean-Baptiste Melançon at Ascension in April 1787.

Olivier Babin, age 18, also an orphan, came alone and followed the Breau party to San Luis de Natchez.

Descendants of Joseph BABIN l'aîné (c1730-?)

Joseph Babin l'aîné, born at Minas in c1730, came to Louisiana in February 1768 with his wife Rose-Osite LeBlanc, two young children, and his younger brother Joseph le jeune. They followed the Breau party to San Luis de Natchez. After the Acadians were allowed to leave Natchez, they moved to Ascension, where they had more children. Their daughter married into the Landry family. Their only son died young, so this line of the family, except for its blood, did not survive in the Bayou State.

Simon, born in Maryland in c1763, died at age 5 at San Luis de Natchez soon after reaching Louisiana.

Joseph BABIN le jeune (c1754-?)

Joseph Babin le jeune, born at Minas in c1754, came to Louisiana in February 1768 with the family of his older brother, Joseph l'aîné. He followed them to San Luis de Natchez. He may not have married.

Descendants of Francois-Marie BABIN (c1742-1796)

Francois-Marie, eldest son of Antoine Babin and Catherine Landry, born at Minas in c1742, came to Louisiana in February 1768 with his wife Marguerite-Hélène, called Hélène, Breau, whom he had married in Maryland in c1763, two small sons, and two young orphans. They settled at San Luis de Natchez and then, after the Acadians were allowed to leave the place, moved to Ascension and then to St.-Gabriel, where they had more children. Their daughters, one of them baptized at New Orleans in April 1772, married into the LeBlanc (French Canadian, not Acadian) and Rivet families. Francois died at St.-Gabriel in October 1796; he was 54 years old. His oldest son remained on the river, though a grandson lived on the upper Lafourche. His middle son's line, except for its blood, died out early. His youngest son left the river and moved to Terrebonne Parish in the Bayou Lafourche valley.


Oldest son Charles, born in Maryland in c1765, married Madeleine-Angélique, called Angélique, daughter of fellow Acadian Pierre-Paul Foret, at St.-Gabriel, on the river above Ascension, in January 1801. Their son Charles-Edouard or Edouard-Charles, called Edouard, was born at St.-Gabriel in October 1801, Joseph Arsene, called Arsene, a twin, in February 1805, twins, perhaps one or both of them sons, names unrecorded, died a day after their birth in November 1806, an infant, perhaps a son, name unrecorded, died in October 1809, and Zephirin Napoléon was born in August 1812. Their daughter married into the Dugas family. Charles, père died in Ascension Parish in December 1826; he was 61 years old.


Edouard married cousin Mathilde, 23-year-old daughter of fellow Acadian Michel Dugas, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in January 1825; they had to secure a dispensation for fourth degree of consanguinity in order to marry; Mathilde's mother, also, was a Foret. They settled at Bruly on the west side of the river in Ascension Parish, near the boundary with Assumption. Their son Joseph Michel was born in Ascension Parish in September 1827 but died in Assumption Parish at age 4 in July 1831, Joseph Achille was born in Ascension Parish in October 1829, Joseph Edouard in Assumption Parish in February 1832, Joseph Napoléon in Ascension Parish in April 1833, and Joseph Dernon in July 1835. Edouard remarried to Marie Domitile, daughter of Jean Baptiste Gros, at the Plattenville church, Assumption Parish, in November 1838. ...


Arsene married Louise, daughter of Francois Constant Peigner, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in October 1837. ...


Paul, born in Maryland in August 1767, married Marguerite-Pélagie, another daughter of Michel Dugas, at Ascension in April 1802. Their son Valery Joseph or Joseph Valery was born near St. Gabriel in April 1804, and Jean or Paul Laurent in August 1806 but died at age 7 in August 1813. Their daughters married Babin cousins.

Joseph Valery died at age 20 in January 1824. He never married. This line of the family, except for its blood, died with him.


Youngest son Francois, born at Ascension in May 1774, married Henriette, daughter of fellow Acadian Firmin Broussard, at Ascension in April 1799. Their son Louis-Étienne was born at St.-Gabriel in October 1801, Firmin Henri at Ascension in July 1804, and Francois Maximilien, called Maximilien, in the early or mid-1800s. Their daughter married into the Foret family. Francois remarried to Marie Marcellite, called Marcellite, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Clouâtre, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in October 1809. Their son Joseph Dorville was born near St. Gabriel in December 1811, Pierre Achille, called Achille, in March 1813, Dreville Adrien in March 1817, Élie Napoléon was baptized at the St. Gabriel church at age 9 months in May 1819, Louis Théodule was born in Terrebonne Parish in January 1824, and Jacques in July 1828. Their daughters married into the Chatanier and Pitre families. In the early 1820s, Francois moved his family to what became Terrebonne Parish, where many of his children also settled.

Descendants of Firmin BABIN (c1747-1790s)

Firmin, second son of Antoine Babin and Catherine Landry, born at Minas in c1747, came to Louisiana in February 1768 with his widowed mother and siblings. He followed them to San Luis de Natchez, where he married Bibianne, daughter of fellow Acadian Amand Breaux, in January 1769. After the Acadians left Natchez later that year, Firmin and Bibianne followed his family to Ascension. Their daughters married into the Hébert, Landry, and Lavergne families. Firmin remarried to Isabelle, daughter of Arche Brousse or Brusse, at Ascension in November 1781. She gave him more children. In 1788, they were living on the right, or west, bank of the river at Ascension. Their daughter married into the Dugas family. Firmin died at Ascension by January 1792, when his wife remarried there; he would have been in his mid 40s that year. Two of his sons settled in the Bayou Lafourche valley.


Oldest son Paul-Firmin, by his first wife, born at San Luis de Natchez in c1770, married Dorothée, daughter of German Creole Joseph Pichoff of the Upper German Coast, at Assumption, on the upper Lafourche, in May 1802. Their son Michel Eugene was born probably at Assumption in May 1805, Marcellin in August 1808 but died at age 2 in October 1810, Paul Victorin was born in October 1811, Pierre Destival in February 1815, and Auguste Alexandre in February 1818. In the late 1810s or 1820s, they moved farther down the valley to Lafourche Interior Parish, where most of their children also settled.


Joseph-Bénoni, called Bénoni, by his first wife, born at Ascension in January 1774, married Marie-Madeleine, called Madeleine, daughter of fellow Acadian Athanase Dugas, at Ascension in July 1800. Their son Joseph was born in Ascension Parish in October 1809, Eugène in January 1817, and Valentin in April 1820. In the 1820s, they moved to Lafourche Interior Parish, where most of their children also settled.


Pierre-Firmin, called Firmin, by his first wife, born at Ascension in December 1775, died at age 17 in October 1792. He did not marry.


Simon-Théodore, by his second wife, born at Ascension in December 1782, married Marie Madeleine, called Madeleine, daughter of fellow Acadian Charles Landry, at Ascension in February 1805. Their son Raphael Simon or Simon Raphael was born at Ascension in September 1806 but died at age 2 in July 1809, and an infant son, name unrecorded, died at age 2 months in October 1811. Their daughters married into the Lamarre and Landry families. Simon Théodore remarried to cousin Henriette, daughter of Joseph Babin and widow of Firmin Landry, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in June 1815. Their son Francois Gédéon was born in Ascension Parish in October 1824. Their daughter married into the Landry family. Simon may have died near St. Gabriel in June 1826; the priest who recorded his burial said that Simon was 40 years old when he died, but he would have been 43. ...


Francois, born at Ascension in March 1785, married Adélaïde, daughter of fellow Acadian Charles Breaux, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in October 1813. Their infant child, perhaps a son, name unrecorded, died at age 2 months in August 1818, Joseph Pierre was born near St. Gabriel in June 1819, Simon Missael in January 1823, and Henri Dreville or Treville in March 1825 but died at age 3 in July 1828. Francois died near St. Gabriel in June 1835; the priest who recorded his burial said that Francois was 45 years old when he died, but he was 50. ...


Youngest son Joseph-Toussaint, born at Ascension in November 1789, died at age 1 in September 1790.

Descendants of Charles/Bonaventure BABIN (c1750-1779? 1815?)

Charles, third and youngest son of Antoine Babin and Catherine Landry, born at Minas in c1750, came to Louisiana in February 1768 with his widowed mother and siblings. He followed them to San Luis de Natchez and then to Ascension. He may have been the Charles Babin who died at Ascension in December 1779; the priest who recorded the burial did not give Charles' parent's names; he would have been only 29 years old. Or he may have been the Bonaventure Babin who married Félicité, daughter of fellow Acadian René Landry and widow of Charles Melançon, at Ascension in November 1788, when he would have been 33 years old; again, the church records do not reveal his parents' names. If he was the same fellow who married Félicité Landry, he fathered at least two sons before he died near St. Gabriel, Iberville Parish, in May 1815, age 65. Both of these sons died young, so, even if Charles was Bonaventure, his branch of the family did not survive in the Bayou State.


Older son Casimir, born at Ascension in September 1789, probably died young.


Younger son Valery, born at Ascension in December 1791, died at age 7 months the following August.

Descendants of Olivier BABIN (c1750-)

Olivier Babin, born at Minas in c1750, came to Louisiana in February 1768 as an 18-year-old orphan with the family of Pierre Guédry. He followed the rest of the Breau party to San Luis de Natchez, where he married Marie Breau. They departed Natchez with the other Acadians and settled at St.-Gabriel among their many cousins already there. Their two sons may have died young, so this line of the family may not have survived in the Bayou State.


Older son Jacques, born at New Orleans in February 1770, may have died young.


Younger son Jean-Baptiste-Olivier, born at St.-Gabriel in March 1773, also may have died young.

Mathurin BABIN (c1756-)

Mathurin Babin, born in Maryland in c1756, came to Louisiana in February 1768 as an orphan with his younger sister Anne and the family of kinsman Francois Babin and followed them to San Luis de Natchez. He may not have married.


The arrival dates of several Acadian Babins who settled on the river in the 1760s or 1770s are difficult to pinpoint:

Rosalie Babin, widow of Joseph Babin, was 25 years old when she married Ignace, son of fellow Acadian Guillaume Hébert and widow of Marie LeBlanc, at St.-Gabriel in January 1773. Spanish officials found them on the "left bank ascending" at St.-Gabriel in 1777 with an 18-year-old son from Ignace's first marriage. Rosalie gave Ignace no more children and probably had no children from her first marriage.

Marguerite Babin married fellow Acadian Joseph Landry, widower of Madeleine LeBlanc, at Ascension, upriver from St.-Jacques, in November 1781.

Marguerite, daughter of Dominique Babin, married Joseph, son of fellow Acadian Pierre Clouâtre, at St.-Gabriel in June 1780. Her brothers Ignace and Paul had come to Louisiana in 1767, so she may have come with them. She died by February 1787, when her husband remarried at St.-Gabriel.

Madeleine-Marthe, another daughter of Dominique Babin, was 16 years old when she married Paul, son of fellow Acadian Joseph Richard, at St.-Jacques in February 1777. She died at nearby St.-Gabriel in April 1796; she was only 35 years old. She, too, may have come to Louisiana in 1767 with her older brothers Ignace and Paul. She would have been only 6 years old at the time.

Étienne Babin, born probably at Minas in c1754, came to Louisiana by March 1777, when Spanish officials counted him on the "left bank ascending" at St.-Gabriel; he was 23 years old and still a bachelor.


Most of the Babins who had ended up in France chose to stay, or, like the redoubtable Isabelle, died there. But when the Spanish government offered the survivors a chance for a new life in faraway Louisiana, four of them took up the offer and sailed to Louisiana on three of the Seven Ships in 1785:

Marie Babin, age 24, sailed aboard Le Bon Papa, the first of the Seven Ships, with her husband Louis-William Stebbens, age 36, of Boston, Massachusetts, whom she had married in France, three of their children, and her younger brother. They followed the majority of the passengers from their ship to St.-Gabriel, on the Manchac coast, where many of their cousins had settled a generation before. Spanish officials counted them near Baton Rouge, north of Manchac, in 1788. By the early 1790s, however, they had moved to the upper Bayou Lafourche valley.

Francois-Marie Babin, age 20, sailed aboard La Bon Papa with the family of his older sister Marie. He followed his sister's family to the Manchac coast. Francois married at St.-Gabriel in December 1786 and moved to the upper Bayou Lafourche valley in the early 1790s. Marie's family moved there, too.

Brother Simon, also called Magloire, age 23, still a bachelor, stowed away on L'Amitié, the fifth of the Seven Ships, and joined his siblings at St.-Gabriel. Simon married twice at nearby Baton Rouge, first in June 1787 and then in December 1789, before moving to the Bayou Lafourche valley. His sons, however, remained on the river.

Paul Babin, age 52, who may have been the one who had gone from France to the Falkland Islands in 1765, sailed with the family of his widowed brother-in-law René Landry aboard La Ville d'Archangel, the sixth of the Seven Ships, and followed them to the new Acadian community of Bayou des Écores, above Baton Rouge. He probably never married.

Descendants of Magloire-Simon or Simon-Magloire BABIN (1762-c1833)

Magloire-Simon or Simon-Magloire, called Simon, elder son of Simon Babin and his first wife Anastasie Thériot, born in England in January 1762, came to Louisiana aboard L'Amitié, the fifth of the Seven Ships, perhaps as a stowaway and joined his younger siblings at Manchac, on the river near St.-Gabriel and Baton Rouge, where he married Marie-Madeleine, daughter of fellow Acadian Eustache Lejeune, in June 1787. Marie-Madeleine had come to Louisiana aboard Le Bon Papa, the first of the Seven Ships. She gave him no children, or none who lived. Simon remarried to Anne-Louise, daughter of fellow Acadian Pierre Quimine, at Manchac in December 1789. Anne also had come to Louisiana aboard Le Bon Papa. Their daughter married into the Daigle family. In the early 1800s, Simon and Anne moved to the upper Bayou Lafourche valley, where he remarried again, to Marie-Jeanne, daughter of fellow Acadian Jacques Achée and widow of Francois Sevin, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in April 1822; Simon was 60 years old. Marie-Jeanne, like Simon's other wives, also had come to Louisiana aboard Le Bon Papa. Simon died by January 1833, when his succession inventory was filed at the Lafourche Interior Parish courthouse; the parish clerk who recorded his succession noted that Simon was 56 years old, but he was closer to 71. His sons remained at Manchac on the river.


Oldest son Auguste or Augustin, by his second wife, born probably at Manchac in the early 1790s, married fellow Acadian Théotiste Templet probably at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in the early 1810s. Their son Treville was born at Manchac in February 1814.

Treville married Eleonore, daughter of Valery Bergeron, at the Baton Rouge church, East Baton Rouge Parish, in January 1836. ...


Placide, born at Manchac in November 1793, married Marie Arthémise, called Arthémise, daughter of fellow Acadian Jean André Grégoire Marie Templet, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in August 1816. Their son Valsin Derosin was baptized at the Baton Rouge church, age unrecorded, in March 1824. ...


Paul-Joachim, born at Manchac in February 1796, married Caroline, daughter of fellow Acadian Jean Baptiste Lejeune, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in September 1817. Their son Hermogène was baptized at the St. Gabriel church, age 8 months, in May 1820, Philogène was born near Baton Rouge in November 1822, Antoine Coriolan in June 1824, Joseph Alfred in November 1830, and Auguste in February 1834. ...


Youngest son Eusilien, also called Louis, born at Manchac in February 1798, married Marie Carmelite, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Doiron, probably at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in the late 1810s. ...


The last group of Babins to come to Louisiana did so in a most unusual way. Marine LeBlanc, wife of Joseph Babin of Grand-Pré, became a widow either in France or after her family returned to North America. In 1788, Marine, now age 52, and five of her children were living on Île St.-Pierre, off the southern coast of Newfoundland. Joseph Gravois of Chignecto, probably a kinsman, was captain of the schooner La Brigite. Marine and her five Babin children--Marie-Victoire, age 25, Francois-Laurent, age 22, Pierre-Moïse, age 20, Anne-Marguerite, age 18, and Mathurin-Louis, age 15--and Marine's uncle Charles Babin, agreed to accompany Gravois and his family to Louisiana aboard La Brigite, which reached New Orleans in December 1788. Anne-Marguerite married Valery, son of fellow Acadian Amand Richard and widower of Susanne Marique, at St.-Jacques on the river in July 1800. Her siblings, strangely, do not appear in the church records of the river and bayou parishes. ...


Other BABINs on the River

Area church and civil records make it difficult to link some Babins on the river with known lines of the family there:

Hechen Babin married Marie-Madeleine Blanc or LeBlanc. Their son Isaac was born at St.-Gabriel in September 1780. ...

Jean-Charles Babin "of Acadia, Parish of St. Joseph," which was Rivière-aux-Canards in the Minas Basin, died at Ascension in July 1789. The priest who recorded his burial said that Jean-Charles was 47 years old when he died but did not bother to list his parents' names or mention a wife.

Pierre Babin married Louise Morvant. Their son Pierre, fils was born at St.-Jacques in October 1791. ...

Agnès Babin, born in c1734, married Baptiste Melançon. Their arrival date is anyone's guess; no Agnès Babin can be found on the Acadian Memorial's Wall of Names. She may have been a young widow when she came to Louisiana, and Agnès may have been her middle name. She died near Convent, St. James Parish, in March 1814. The priest who recorded her burial said that she was a native of Acadia, a widow, and was 80 years old when she died. He did not bother to list her parents' names.

Victoire, daughter of Charles Babin and Marie Hébert, was born at St.-Nicolas, St.-Domingue, today's Haiti, probably in the 1780s or 1790s. She married Lewis Morrow of Boston, Massachusetts, at the St. James church, St. James Parish, in September 1816. The priest who recorded the marriage noted that her father was deceased at the time of the marriage. Did she and her parents, perhaps her widowed mother, come to Louisiana from Haiti with thousands of other refugees in the autumn of 1809?

Pierre Augustin Babin, parents' names unrecorded, died in Ascension Parish in June 1836. He was only 3 years old.

Jean Philippe Babin married Marguerite A. Babin in a civil ceremony probably near Baton Rouge in the 1830s. Their daughter Rosalie was baptized at age 8 months in the Baton Rouge church, East Baton Rouge Parish, in December 1838.


Most of the Babins who came to Louisiana remained on the Mississippi River. However, several female Babins moved to the western prairies. Most of them remained there:

Two Babin sisters followed their widowed mother from Cabanocé/St.-Jacques to the Opelousas District in the late 1760s, but they did not remain there. Lisa-Marie-Josèphe, called Lise, older daughter of Basile Babin and Anne Sonnier, born probably at Halifax in c1760, came to Louisiana from Halifax via St.-Domingue, today's Haiti, with her parents and sister in 1765. After her father died at Cabanocé/St.-Jacques, she followed her widowed mother to the Opelousas District and was raised by her stepfather, Michel Cormier of Chignecto and Opelousas, after her mother died. She returned to the river and married Jean-Baptiste, fils, son of fellow Acadian Jean-Baptiste Bergeron, père, at St.-Jacques in June 1778. By the mid-1790s, they had moved to the upper Bayou Lafourche valley. Marie-Josèphe, Lise's younger sister, born probably at Halifax in c1764, also went to the Opelousas District with her widowed mother and was raised by her stepfather, Michel Cormier. Marie-Josèphe was only 15 years old when she married Jean-Charles, son of fellow Acadian Jean Arceneaux, at St.-Jacques in January 1777. They remained on the river. Marie remarried to Foreign Frenchman Louis Billou of Tonney-Boutonne, Aunis, and widower of Ester Chamet and Julie Pourceare, at the Convent church, St. James Parish, in December 1814; she was in her early 50s. She died near Convent in May 1820 in her late 50s.

Marie Babin, born in c1744, daughter of perhaps Dominique Babin of Minas, came to Louisiana probably from Maryland in the late 1760s. She married Claude, son of Charles Martin of Port-Royal, at Atakapas in c1770. She first appears in the Atakapas census of 1771, age 24, with her husband, a son, and Joseph, son of Dominique Babin, who may have been her brother. She died at her son Michel Martin's home at La Pointe, St. Martin Parish, in September 1823; she was 80 years old.

Claire, daughter of Antoine Babin and Catherine Landry, born probably at Minas in c1744, came to Louisiana from Maryland in 1768 with her widowed mother and siblings. She married Pierre, son of Augustin Guidry, at San Luis de Natchez, on the river, followed him downriver to Ascension, and then out to the Opelousas prairie, where she died in June 1780, in her mid-30s.

Anne-Barbe, called Barbe, daughter of Jean-Baptiste Babin and Ursule Landry, born in Maryland in c1756, came to Louisiana from Maryland in 1768 with her widowed mother and siblings. She married Joseph, son of Honoré Melançon, at St.-Jacques on the river and followed him to the Atakapas District, where she died in August 1817, in her early 60s.


In the late 1760s or early 1770s, a Babin moved from the river to the Atakapas District and created a western branch of the family:

Descendants of Joseph BABIN (c1755-1820)

Joseph, youngest son of Dominique Babin and Marguerite Boudrot, born in Maryland in c1755, came to Louisiana probably in 1767 with his older brothers Ignace and Paul. He probably lived at St.-Gabriel on the river with them before he came to Atakapas, where he first appeared in the general census of 1771 as a 16-year-old living in the household of Claude Martin and Claude's wife Marie Babin, who probably was his older sister. Joseph appeared again on an Atakapas District militia list in January 1773. He married Anastasie, daughter of fellow Acadian Honoré Melançon, at Atakapas in February 1778. They settled at La Pointe, on upper Bayou Teche, near present-day Breaux Bridge. Their daughters married into the LeBlanc, Savoie, and Sonnier families. Joseph, père died at his home at La Pointe in October 1820; the priest who recorded his burial said that Joseph was "age about 60 years" when he died, but he was closer to 65.


Oldest son Julien, born at Atakapas in September 1786, married Seraphine, daughter of fellow Acadian Francois Babineaux of La Pointe, at the St. Martinville church, St. Martin Parish, in August 1807. Their son Jean Nelson was born at La Pointe in October 1809, and a son, name unrecorded, died at his parent's home at La Pointe in January 1819 age 17 days. They also had a son named Julien, fils. Their daughters married into the Decuir and Hébert families. Julien, père died at his home at La Pointe in October 1819; he was only 33 years old.

Julien, fils married Marcellite Arthémise, daughter of Charles Cohem or Cohen, at the St. Martinville church, St. Martin Parish, in July 1834. Their son, name unrecorded, died in St. Martin Parish 3 days after his birth in May 1835, Julien Fostin was born in August 1836, and Eudgar Numa, called Numa, in March 1838. ...


Pierre-Alexandre, called Alexandre, born at Atakapas in October 1792, married Marie Tarsille, daughter of fellow Acadian Isaac Thibodeaux, at the St. Martinville church, St. Martin Parish, in February 1817. Their son Pierre-Alexandre, fils was born at La Pointe in December 1817 but died at age 8 1/2 in January 1830, Placide was born in March 1819, Joseph le jeune in November 1820, Charles in August 1822, Julien le jeune in January 1826, Jean Omer in October 1827, Michel in September 1829, Alexandre in March 1833, and Placide Émile in January 1835. ...


Youngest son Joseph, fils, born at Atakapas in September 1793, probably died young.


Other BABINs on the Western Prairies

Area church and civil records make it difficult to link some Babins in the western parishes to known lines of the Acadian branch of the family:

Edouard Babin married Josephine Frugé. Their son Edouard, fils was born in St. Landry Parish in February 1830. ...

Joseph Babin married Émilie Frugé. Their daughter Josephine was born near Grand Coteau, St. Landry Parish, in April 1830. He may have been the Joseph Babin who died in St. Martin Parish at age 53 in May 1834. ...


Babins who came to Louisiana from France in 1785 and settled on the river moved to the upper Bayou Lafourche valley by the mid-1790s. Other Babin families appeared at Assumption in the upper valley a few years later:

Marie Babin, wife of Louis-William Stebbens of Boston, Massachusetts, whom she had married in France, followed him from Baton Rouge to the upper Lafourche valley in the early 1790s. They settled at Assumption. She remarried to Charles, son of Joseph Fournier of St.-Thomas, Québec, at Assumption in February 1800. Marie died by December 1829, when her succession inventory was filed at the Lafourche Interior Parish courthouse; she would have been 69 years old that year.

Descendants of Francois-Marie BABIN (1766-1810s)

Francois Marie, younger son of Simon Babin and his first wife Anastasie Thériot and Marie's younger brother, born at St.-Servan, France, near St.-Malo, in November 1766, came to Louisiana aboard Le Bon Papa, the first of the Seven Ships, with the family of his married sister Marie, wife of Louis-Williams Stebens. He followed them to St.-Gabriel de Manchac, on the river above New Orleans, where he married Marie-Anne, daughter of fellow Acadian Ignace Usé, in December 1786. Marie also had come to Louisiana aboard Le Bon Papa. They were still living at Manchac in 1788, but by the middle 1790s they had moved to the upper Lafourche. They were the first Babins at Assumption. Their daughters married into the Comte or Lecompte, Robichaux, and Toups families. Francois died by September 1816, when his succession inventory was filed at the Lafourche Interior Parish courthouse; he would have been 50 years old that year.


Oldest son Francois-Auguste, called Auguste, born at Ascension in January 1792, married Justine, 22-year-old daughter of German Creole André Toups and widow of Charles Rome, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in February 1822. Their son Toussaint Marcellin was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in November 1825, Auguste, fils in December 1830, Justin in February 1837, and Amédée in March 1838. ...


Jean-Baptiste, born at Assumption in July 1797, married Marie Aglae, 21-year-old daughter of Pierre Gisclard, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in November 1828. Their son Jean Baptiste, fils was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in September 1829, and Francois in July 1832. ...


Francois, fils, born at Assumption in October 1799, married Elise Euphrosine, called Frosine, 21-year-old daughter of Joseph Martin, in a civil ceremony in Lafourche Interior Parish in August 1821 and sanctified the marriage at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, the following February. Their son Joseph Francois was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in January 1822, Louis in November 1823, Edouard in February 1827, and Guillaume in March 1829. ...


Youngest son Raphael-Edouard, born at Assumption in January 1803, probably died young.

Descendants of Paul-Firmin BABIN (c1770-)

Paul-Firmin, eldest son of Firmin Babin of Minas and Bibianne Breau, born at San Luis de Natchez in c1770, married Dorothée, daughter of German Creole Joseph Pichoff of the Upper German Coast, at Assumption in May 1802. Although their children were baptized at the Ascension church, they probably were born at Assumption. ...


Oldest son Michel Eugène, called Eugène, born probably at Assumption in May 1805, married cousin Célesie or Céleste, daughter of Joseph Bénoni Babin and widow of Zenon LeBlanc, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in January 1830; they had to secure a dispensation for second degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their son Joseph died in Ascension Parish 5 days after his birth in October 1830, Joseph Paul was born in September 1832, and Pierre Drosin in February 1835. ...


Marcellin, born probably in Assumption Parish in August 1808, died at age 2 in October 1810.


Paul Victorin, called Victorin, born probably in Assumption Parish in October 1811, married Marcellite, daughter of fellow Acadian Alexandre Bergeron of Terrebonne Parish, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in January 1833. ...


Pierre Destival was born probably in Assumption Parish in February 1815. ...


Youngest son Auguste Alexandre, born probably in Assumption Parish in February 1818, married Eleonore, called Lenore, another daughter of Alexandre Bergeron, at the Thibodeaux church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in May 1839. Their son Leufroi was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in February 1840. ...

Descendants of Auguste BABIN (1778-)

Auguste, son of Joseph Babin, fils of Pigiguit and Marie Landry, born at Ascension in November 1778, married Marianne or Anne Marie, sometimes called Anne, daughter of fellow Acadian Charles Bergeron, at Assumption in May 1800. Anne also was a native of Ascension. They settled at Assumption, in what became Lafourche Interior Parish. Their daughter married into the Hébert family. ...


Oldest son Alexis-Charles, born at Assumption in July 1802, probably died young.


Jean Auguste, born in Assumption Parish in December 1809, married Marie Marguerite, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Honoré Breaux, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in September 1827. Their son Eugène Marcellin was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in June 1831, and Joseph Armogène in November 1839. ...


Youngest son Lesimo or L'Omer, born in Assumption Parish in May 1816, married Estelle Anne, daughter of fellow Acadian Florentin Boudreaux, at the Thibodeaux church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in June 1839. ...


By the 1820s, more Babins from the river settlements, especially Ascension Parish, had moved down the Bayou Lafourche valley, some as far down as Bayou Terrebonne, creating yet another center of the family:

Descendants of Joseph BABIN (c1769-)

Joseph, elder son of Charles Babin of Minas and Madeleine Babin, born either at St.-Jacques or Ascension in c1769, married Marguerite, daughter of fellow Acadian Charles Godin dit Lincour, at Ascension in June 1801. In 1820s, they moved to Lafourche Interior Parish. Their daughters married into the Babin, Gaudin, Hébert, and LeBoeuf families. ...


Oldest son Joseph Thomas, born at Ascension in December 1804, married Céleste Phelonise, daughter of French Creole Jean Jacques LeBoeuf of Terrebonne Parish, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in August 1830. Their son Joseph Blaise was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in February 1836, and Étienne Eusilien in December 1838. ...


Jean Evariste, called Evariste, born at Ascension in October 1806, married Marguerite or Marie Rosalie, another daughter of Jean Jacques LeBoeuf, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in May 1833. ...


Marcellin, born in Ascension Parish in January 1817, married Théotiste Marcellus. ...


Youngest son Charles Dominique was born near St. Gabriel, Iberville Parish, in September 1820. ...

Descendants of Joseph-Bénoni BABIN (1774-1836)

Joseph-Bénoni, called Bénoni, second son of Firmin Babin of Minas and Bibianne Breau, born at Ascension in January 1774, married Marie-Madeleine, called Madeleine, daughter of fellow Acadian Athanase Dugas, at Ascension in July 1800, where their children were born. In the 1820s, they moved to Lafourche Interior Parish, where their children also settled close to their cousins. Their daughters married into the Babin and LeBlanc families. Joseph Bénoni died in Ascension Parish in December 1836; the priest who recorded his burial said that Bénoni was 75 years old when he died, but he was "only" 62.


Oldest son Joseph, born in October 1809, may have died young.


Eugène, born in January 1817, married Céleste, daughter of fellow Acadian Alexandre Bergeron, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in September 1838. Their son Joseph Alexandre was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in June 1839. ...


Youngest son Valentin, born in April 1820, married Anne Madeleine, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Clouâtre, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in June 1840. ...

Descendants of Francois BABIN (1774-)

Francois, third and youngest son of Francois-Marie Babin of Minas and Marguerite-Hélène Breau, born at Ascension in May 1774, married Henriette, daughter of fellow Acadian Firmin Broussard, at Ascension in April 1799. Their daughter married into the Foret family. Francois remarried to Marie Marcellite, called Marcellite, daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Clouâtre, at the St. Gabriel church, Iberville Parish, in October 1809. Their daughters married into the Chatanier and Pitre families. In the early 1820s, Francois moved his family to what became Terrebonne Parish. His older sons returned to Ascension Parish, but his younger ones settled on the lower bayou. ...


Oldest son Louis-Étienne, by his first wife, born at St.-Gabriel in October 1801, probably died young.


Firmin Henri, by his first wife, born at Ascension in July 1804, married cousin Renée Sidalise, daughter of Joseph Bénoni Babin, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in February 1830; they had to secure a dispensation for third degree of consanguinity in order to marry. Their son Henri Joseph was born in Ascension Parish in July 1831, Vincent Telesphore in March 1836, and Francois Dorville in February 1839. ...


Francois Maximilien, called Maximilien, by his first wife, born either at St. Gabriel or Ascension in the mid- or late 1800s, married cousin Adélaïde, another daughter of Joseph Bénoni Babin, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in June 1836. Their son Joseph Maximilien was born in Ascension Parish in March 1837. ...


Joseph Dorville or Huberville, by his second wife, born near St. Gabriel, Iberville Parish, in December 1811, married cousin Rosalie Mathilde, called Mathilde, yet another daughter of Joseph Bénoni Babin, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in October 1838. ...


Pierre Achille, called Achille, by his second wife, born near St. Gabriel in March 1813, married Marie Angelina, called Angelina, daughter of fellow Acadian Jean Ambroise Pitre, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in May 1836. Their son Achille Pierre was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in February 1837, and Onesime in October 1838. ...


Dreville Adrien, by his second wife, was born near St. Gabriel in March 1817. ...


Élie Napoléon, by his second wife, was baptized at the St. Gabriel church, age 9 months, in May 1819. ...


Louis Théodule, by his second wife, was born probably in Terrebonne Parish in January 1824. ...


Youngest son Jacques, by his second wife, was born probably in Terrebonne Parish in July 1828. ...

Descendants of Landry BABIN (1782-1827)

Landry, eighth son of Amand Babin and Anastasie Landry of Minas and Ascension, born at Ascension in November 1782, married distant cousin Marie-Louise, sometimes called Louise, daughter of Francois Landry, at Ascension in April 1802. In the late 1810s or 1820s, they moved down the valley to Lafourche Interior Parish. Their daughters married into the Denoue, LeBlanc, and Robichaux families. Landry died in Lafourche Interior Parish in August 1827; the priest who recorded his burial said that Landry was 47 years old when he died, but he was only 44. Some of his children settled in Ascension Parish, probably on the upper Lafourche, while others remained in Lafourche Interior Parish.


Oldest son Edouard Landry, born at Ascension in November 1805, married cousin Clotilde Hortense, called Hortense, 16-year-old daughter of fellow Acadian Jean Jacques Landry, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in February 1825. Their son Edouard, fils was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in March 1828, Nicolas Émile in March 1831 but died at age 1 1/2 in July 1832, Jean Baptiste died a few days after his birth in February 1833, and Joseph Casimir was born in July 1835. ...


Pierre Trasimond, born in Ascension Parish in May 1810, married Marie Estelle, called Estelle, daughter of fellow Acadian Ambroise Hébert, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in April 1834. ...


Nicolas, Colas, or Colin, born in Ascension Parish in November 1814, married Gertrude, daughter of fellow Acadian Jean Baptiste Gaudin, at the Donaldsonville church, Ascension Parish, in September 1834. Their son Marius Nicolas was born in Ascension Parish in December 1838. ...


Youngest son Casimir Sifrien, born in Ascension Parish in March 1817, may have died in Ascension Parish at age 18 in November 1835. He probably did not marry.

Descendants of Jacques-Alexandre BABIN (1783-)

Jacques-Alexandre, fourth son of Jean-Jacques Babin of Pigiguit and Marguerite Landry, born at Ascension in December 1783, married Julienne, daughter of fellow Acadian Paul Melançon, at St.-Jacques, just downriver, in November 1804. By the early 1820s, they had moved to Lafourche Interior Parish, where their children settled. Their daughter married into the Bourgeois family. ...


Oldest son Ursin, born at St.-Jacques in September 1805, married Marcelline, 16-year-old daughter of fellow Acadian Jean Baptiste Bourgeois, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in April 1826. Their son Ursior Aurelien was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in January 1826, Joseph Rémy in August 1828, Jean Onesime in August 1830, and Jacques Justin in August 1833 but died at age 3 1/2 in January 1837. ...


Jean Jacques, le jeune, called Jacques, born at Ascension in November 1806, married Anne Seraphine, called Seraphine, 17-year-old daughter of fellow Acadian Joseph Marie Boudreaux, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in September 1827. Their son Jérôme Adam was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in January 1834, Joseph Augustave in May 1836, and Jean Baptiste Laurence in September 1838. ...


Joseph Oleus was born in Ascension Parish in May 1808. ...


Paul Onesime, born in Ascension Parish in January 1810, married cousin Melasie, 19-year-old daughter of fellow Acadian Donat Landry, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in July 1829. Their son Paul Onesime, fils was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in September 1830, Jacques Donat in January 1836, and Félix Julien in January 1839. ...


Jacques Eugène, called Eugène, born in Ascension Parish in November 1811, married Adele, 18-year-old daughter of fellow Acadian Jean Charles Broussard, at the Thibodauxville church, Lafourche Interior Parish, in July 1832. Their son Eugène Charles was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in March 1836. ...


Jacques Alexandre, fils was born near Convent, St. James Parish, in March 1816. ...


Youngest son Louis David was born in Lafourche Interior Parish in October 1821. ...

Other BABINs in the Lafourche Valley

Area church and civil records make it difficult to link some Babins in the Bayou Lafourche valley to known lines of the Acadian branch of the family:

Maximien Marcellin Babin died in Lafourche Interior Parish in November 1839. The priest who recorded his funeral did not give his age, his parents' names, or mention a wife.


Although the great majority of the Babins of South Louisiana are descendants of Antoine the Acadian, an important Babin family did live in the colony in its earliest days. Others lived in the colony later, and so-called Foreign French Babins, some perhaps related to the Acadian Babins who remained in the mother country, immigrated to Louisiana in the decades before the War Between the States:

Pierre Babin dit La Source came to Mobile, now in Alabama but then the capital of Louisiana, by 1706. He was a native of Laval, near Le Mans, in northwestern France, and was recruited to go to the infant colony by the Chauvin brothers of Canada. He returned to Canada in 1707 and married Marie-Francoise-Angélique Jallot at Montréal. He and his bride journeyed by canoe down the Mississippi and arrived at Mobile in 1710, where they remained. After Pierre's death, his widow remarried to Jacques Carriere of Mobile and moved to New Orleans soon after that settlement was founded, in the late 1710s. One of Pierre Babin's daughters married in New Orleans in 1726, but the New Orleans church records do not give evidence that Pierre fathered a son.

René, "surnamed Le Flame," son of René Babin and Francoise Brian, was born at Segres, Anjou, France. He married Thérèse Senuran and served as a soldier in the company of De Gauvry at New Orleans. René's wife died in the city, and he remarried to Renotte, daughter of Nicolas Salaun, at New Orleans in January 1732. The New Orleans church records do not reveal if he and either of his wives had children.

Another non-Acadian Babin lived in Pointe Coupée and the Opelousas District. Francoise of Vienne, France, daughter of Francois Babin and Marguerite Bossi, was a resident of Opelousas when she married Louis, son of Jean-Baptiste André of Alabama, at Pointe Coupée in April 1771.

In November 1830, a 15-year-old Babin, first name unrecorded, born in France and working as a merchant, reached New Orleans aboard the ship Bolivar from Le Havre, France. One wonders if he was kin to the Acadian Babins.

In December 1835, F. Babin, age 30, a merchant and native of France, reached New Orleans aboard the ship Daniel H. Miller out of Havana, Cuba. With him was a 25-year-old female, J. Babin, his sister or, more likely, his wife.

In January 1836, J. Babin, a 25-year-old merchant born in Nantes, France, reached New Orleans aboard the ship Backus out of Matanzas, Cuba.

In December 1848, Michel Babin, age 29, a farmer and native of France, reached New Orleans aboard the ship Flor out of Le Havre, France.


Babins were among the early settlers of Acadia and among the early Acadian families to find refuge in Louisiana. Dozens of them came to the colony from the Minas Basin via Maryland in the late 1760s. They settled in large numbers along the river above New Orleans from Cabanocé/St.-Jacques, today's St. James Parish, all the way up to Natchez. In the late 1760s or early 1770s, one family from the river moved to the Atakapas District and created a western branch of the family. Only a hand full of Babins came from France in 1785, but one of them established a family among his cousins at Manchac near Baton Rouge. Another family reached the colony in 1788 on a ship from Île St.-Pierre off the southern coast of Newfoundland. Meanwhile, several families moved from the river to the Bayou Lafourche valley and established an important center of family settlement there. Most Babins remained on the river. French Creole Babins lived at Mobile, then considered a part of Louisiana, in New Orleans and Pointe Coupée, in the early 1700s, and several Foreign-French Babins came to Louisiana in the decades before the War Between the States, but the great majority of Babins in Louisiana are descendants of Antoine of La Chaussée.

Most of the Babins who remained on their original river holdings continued to be small land owners. A few of them, however, created sugar plantations of their own. Paul P. Babin owned 800 acres in West Baton Rouge Parish in 1860; a hundred slaves worked his plantation and its steam-powered sugar mill. ...

The family's name also is spelled Babain, Babein, Baden, Baven, Boben, Vaven.

Sources: Arsenault, Généalogie, 394, 1092-1100, 1320-22, 1654, 2206, 2316-17, 2408-13; Brasseaux, Foreign French, 1:19, 2:12; BRDR, vols. 1a(rev.), 1b, 2, 3, 4, 5(rev.); Hébert, D., South LA Records, vol. 1; Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, vols. 1-A, 1-B, 2-A, 2-B, 2-C, 3; Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 150-58; NOAR, vols. 1, 2, 3; , Family No. 9; , "Family" No. 48; Robichaux, Acadians in Chatellerault, 5; Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 8-9; Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 29-37; West, Atlas of LA Surnames, 23, 149-50; White, DGFA-1, 57-58; White, DGFA-1 English, 13-14.

Settlement Abbreviations
(present-day parishes that existed during the War Between the States in parenthesis; hyperlinks on the abbreviations take you to brief histories of each settlement):




Lafourche (Lafourche, Terrebonne)


Pointe Coupée




Natchitoches (Natchitoches)

SB San Bernardo (St. Bernard)


Atakapas (St. Martin, St. Mary, Lafayette, Vermilion)


San Luìs de Natchez (Concordia)


St.-Gabriel d'Iberville (Iberville)


Bayou des Écores (East Baton Rouge, West Feliciana)


New Orleans (Orleans)


St.-Jacques de Cabanocé (St. James)


Baton Rouge (East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge)


Opelousas (St. Landry, Calcasieu)

For a chronology of Acadian Arrivals in Louisiana, 1764-early 1800s, see Appendix.

The hyperlink attached to an individual's name is connected to a list of Acadian immigrants for a particular settlement and provides a different perspective on the refugee's place in family and community.

Name Arrived Settled Profile Amand BABIN 01 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1742, probably l'Assomption, Pigiguit; son of probably Paul BABIN & Marie LANDRY; brother of Brigitte, Charles, Élisabeth-Madeleine, Marie-Josèphe, & Vincent-Ephrem; exiled to MD 1755, age 13; married, age 24, Marie-Anastasie, called Anastasie, LANDRY, c1766, MD; arrived LA 1766, age 24; in Cabanocé census, 1769, occupying lot number 157, left [east] bank, called Amant BABAIN, age 27, with wife Nastazie age 22, son Paul age 15 mos., & sister-in-law Isabelle LANDRY age 15; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, age 27, head of family number 69, with wife Anastasie age 22, sons Paul age 2, Grégoire age 1, sister-in-law Magdelaine LANDRY age 11, & 6 arpents; in Ascension census, 1777, right [west] bank, age 33, head of family number 4, with wife Anastazie age 27, sons Uzene [Alexandre-Eusèbe] age 5, Simon age 4, daughter Magdelaine age 1, 6 arpents, 0 slaves, 19 cattle, 3 horses, 0 sheep, 20 swine, 2 arms; in JUDICE's Company, Acadian Coast Militia, Aug 1779, 2nd Sous-Caporau, also in VERRET's Company, Acadian Coast Militia, 1779, 1st Sous-Caporaux; died [buried] Ascension Parish 11 Apr 1808, age 76[sic] Anne BABIN 02 Sep 1766 StJ born c1743, probably Minas; married Paul LEBLANC, son of Jacques LEBLANC & Catherine-Marie-Josèphe FORET of Grand-Pré; arrived LA 1766, age 23; in Cabanocé census, 1769, left [east] bank, age 26, with husband, 1 son, & 1 daughter; in St.-Jacques census, 1777, left [east] bank, age 33, with husband & 3 sons, & 2 daughters; in St.-Jacques census, 1779, unnamed, with husband & 8 others Anne BABIN 03 Jul 1767 StG born c1730, probably Minas; married Amand MELANÇON, son of Joseph MELANÇON & Marguerite LEBLANC of Grand-Pré, probably Grand-Pré; exiled to MD 1755, age 25; in report on Acadians at Baltimore, MD, Jul 1763, called Anne BABIN, with husband, 1 s son, & 2 daughters; arrived LA 1767, age 37; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Ana, no surname given, age 37, with husband, 4 sons, & 1 daughter; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, left bank ascending, unnamed, age 40[sic], with husband, 1 son, & 2 daughters; died [buried] St.-Gabriel 7 Nov 1801, age 79[sic] Anne BABIN 04 Feb 1768 Natz, Asc born c1761, probably MD; sister of Mathurin; arrived LA 1768, age 7; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Ana BAVEN, "orphan sister," age 7, with brother & family of Francois BABIN; married, age 26, Jean-Baptiste MELANÇON, 23 Apr 1787, Ascension, now Donaldsonville Anne-Barbe BABIN 05 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc, Atk born c1756, probably MD; called Barbe; daughter of Jean-Baptiste BABIN & Ursule LANDRY; sister of Joseph, Marguerite, & Marie-Josèphe; in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, called Anne, with widowed mother & sisters; arrived LA 1766, age 10; in Ascension census, 1770, right [west] bank, called Barbe, age 14, with brother & sisters; married, age 22, Joseph MELANÇON, son of Honoré MELANÇON & Marie-Josèphe BREAUX, 1778, St.-Jacques; moved to Atakapas District; died "at her home at l'ance," St. Martin Parish, 5 Aug 1817, age 66[sic], a widow, buried next day "in the parish cemetery"; succession record dated 12 Aug 1817, St. Martin Parish courthouse Anne-Élisabeth/Isabelle BABIN 16 Jul 1767 StG born c1743, probably Pigiguit; called Élisabeth or Isabelle; daughter of Joseph BABIN & Anne-Marie LANDRY; sister of Cyprien & Étienne; exiled to MD 1755, age 12; in report on Acadians at Upper Marlborough, MD, Jul 1763, called Elizabeth, with widowed father & brothers; arrived LA 1767, age 24; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Isabel BAVEN, age 24, with widowed father & brothers; married, age 34, (1)Amand HÉBERT, son of Francois HÉBERT & Marie-Josèphe MELANÇON, & widower of Marie-Claire LANDRY, 5 Jun 1777, St.-Jacques; married (2) Thomas HÉBERT; died [buried] St.-Gabriel 22 Dec 1799, age 57 Anne-Geneviève BABIN 06 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc, Op born c1748, probably Minas; called Geneviève; daughter of René BABIN & Madeleine BOURG; arrived LA 1766, age 18; married, age 20, Joseph GRANGER, son of Pierre GRANGER & Euphrosine GAUTREAUX of Grand-Pré, 11 Apr 1768, Cabanocé; in Cabanocé census, 1769, left [east] bank, called Geneviève BABAIN, age 21, with husband & no children; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, called Geneviève BABIN, age 23, with husband & no children; moved to Opelousas District; in Opelousas census, 1777, called Geneviève BABIN, age 27, with husband, 2 sons, & 2 daughters; in Opelousas census, 1785, unnamed, with husband & 8 others; died before 1791, when her husband remarried at Atakapas Anne-Marguerite BABIN 07 Dec 1788 StJ born 13 Aug 1770, baptized next day, Sauzon, Belle-Île-en-Mer, France; called Marguerite; daughter of Joseph BABIN & Marine LEBLANC; sister of Francois-Laurent, Marie-Victoire, Mathurin-Louis, & Pierre-Moïse; at Belle-Île-en-Mer 1770-73; at St.-Servan, France, 1773; arrived LA 11 Dec 1788 aboard schooner La Brigite from Île St.-Pierre; married, age 30, Valery RICHARD, son of Amand RICHARD & Marie BREAUX of St.-Gabriel, & widower of Susanne MARIQUE, 8 Jul 1800, St.-Jacques Brigitte BABIN 08 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc, StG born c1750, probably Pigiguit; daughter of Paul BABIN & Marie LANDRY; sister of Amand, Charles, Élisabeth-Madeleine, Marie-Josèphe, & Vincent-Ephrem; exiled to MD 1755, age 5; in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, with widowed mother & siblings; arrived LA 1766, age 16; in Cabanocé census, 1769, left [east] bank, called Bergitte, age 19, with family of brother Ephrem; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, age 19, with family of brother Ephrem; married, age 22, Paul-Marie LANDRY, son of Alexandre LANDRY & his first wife Anne FLAN, 9 Feb 1772, Ascension, now Donaldsonville; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, left bank ascending, unnamed, age 28, with husband & 1 son age 2; died [buried] St.-Gabriel 30 Apr 1803, age 62[sic] Charles BABIN 09 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1742, probably Pigiguit; son of Paul BABIN & Marie LANDRY; brother of Amand, Brigitte, Élisabeth-Madeleine, Marie-Josèphe, & Vincent-Ephrem; exiled to MD 1755, age 13; in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, called Charles BABAIN, with widowed mother & siblings; arrived LA 1766, age 24; married, age 25, Madeleine BABIN, daughter of perhaps Germain BABIN & Marguerite LANDRY, 2 Mar 1767, Cabanocé; in Cabanocé census, 1769, occupying lot number 159 next to brother Ephrem, left [east] bank, age 27, with wife Magdelaine age 24, & son Joseph age 4 mos.; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, age 28, head of family number 71, with wife Magdelaine age 24, daughter Margueritte age 9 mos., & 6 arpents; in Ascension census, 1777, left [east] bank, age 34, head of family number 72, with wife Magdelaine age 31, sons Joseph age 8, Alin age 5, daughter Constance age 8 mos., 6 arpents, 2 slaves, 20 hogs, 0 horses, 0 sheep, 10 hogs, 1 arm; in VERRET's Company, Acadian Coast Militia, 1779, 1st Corporal; died by Nov 1781, when his wife remarried at Ascension Charles BABIN 10 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1760, probably MD; son of Pierre BABIN & Anne FORET; brother of Joseph dit Dios; arrived LA 1766, age 6; in Cabanocé census, 1769, right [west] bank, called Charles BABAIN, age 9, with mother, stepfather Étienne BUJEAU, brother Joseph, 1 BUJEAU half-brother, & 3 BUJEAU step-siblings; in Ascension census, 1770, right [west] bank, called Charles BABIN, age 9, with mother, stepfather Éstienne BUJEAU, brother Joseph, & 1 BUJEAU half-brother, & 2 BUJOLE step-siblings; in Ascension census, 1777, right [west] bank, age 17, with mother, stepfather, 1 BUJEAUX half brother, & 2 BUJEAUX step-sisters; probably never married; died [buried] Ascension 10 Jan 1783, age 22 Charles BABIN 11 Feb 1768 Natz, Asc, StG? born c1750, probably Minas; son of Antoine BABIN & Catherine LANDRY; brother of Claire, Élisabeth/Isabelle, Firmin, Francois-Marie, Louise, Marie, & Rose; arrived LA 1768, age 18; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Carlos, age 18, with widowed mother & siblings; moved to Ascension; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, called Charles, age 19, head of family number 83, with widowed mother age 50, sisters Rose age 16, Élizabeth age 6, & 6 arpents next to brother Firmin; married, age 33, Félicité LANDRY, daughter of René LANDRY & his first wife Marie THÉRIOT, & widow of Charles MELANÇON, 10 Nov 1788, Ascension?; died [buried] St. Gabriel 17 May 1815, age 65? Charles BABIN 12 Feb 1768 Natz, Asc born c1765, MD; son of Francois BABIN & Marguerite-Hélène BREAUX; brother of Paul; arrived LA 1768, age 3; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Carlos, age 4, with parents, brother, & 2 BAVEN orphans; moved to Ascension; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, age 7[sic], with parents, brother, & cousin Pierre BRAU; married, age 36, Madeleine-Angélique, called Angélique, FORET, daughter of Pierre-Paul FORET & Marguerite ORILLION dit Champagne of Ascension, 8 Jan 1801, St.-Gabriel; died [buried] Ascension Parish 17 Dec 1826, age 60 Charles BABIN 13 Dec 1788 Asc? uncle of Joseph BABIN; arrived LA 11 Dec 1788 aboard schooner La Brigite from Île St.-Pierre Claire BABIN 14 Feb 1768 Natz, Asc, Op born c1744, probably Minas; daughter of Antoine BABIN & Catherine LANDRY; sister of Charles, Élisabeth/Isabelle, Firmin, Francois-Marie, Louise, Marie, & Rose; arrived LA 1768, age 24; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Clara, age 24, with widowed mother & siblings; married, age 24, Pierre GUIDRY, son of Augustin GUIDRY & Jeanne HÉBERT, & widower of Marguerite DUPUIS, 23 Jan 1769, St.-Luis de Natchez; moved to Ascension; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, age 26, with husband & 1 son; moved to Opelousas District; in Opelousas census, 1777, age 35[sic], with husband & 4 sons; died [buried] Opelousas 19 Jun 1780, age 28[sic] Cyprien BABIN 15 Jul 1767 StG, BR born c1750, probably Pigiguit; son of Joseph BABIN & Anne-Marie LANDRY; brother of Anne-Élisabeth/Isabelle & Étienne; exiled to MD 1755, age 5; in report on Acadians at Upper Marlborough, MD, Jul 1763, called Prien, with widowed father & siblings; arrived LA 1767, age 17; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Ciprian BAVEN, age 17, with widowed father & siblings; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, left bank ascending, called Siperien BABAIN, age 19[sic], bachelor, with 9 cattle, 3 horses, 6 hogs, 15 fowl, 5 arpents; never married; died [buried] Baton Rouge 30 Jan 1814, age 70[sic] Élisabeth/Isabelle BABIN 17 Feb 1768 Natz, Asc born c1764, probably MD; daughter of Antoine BABIN & Catherine LANDRY; sister of Charles, Claire, Firmin, Francois-Marie, Louise, Marie, & Rose; arrived LA 1768, age 4; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Isabel, age 4, with widowed mother & siblings; moved to Ascension; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, called Élisabeth, age 6, with brother Charles, widowed mother, & sister Rose; married, age 18, (1)Paul BREAUX, son of Jean-Baptiste BREAUX & his first wife Élisabeth HENRY, & widower of Marie-Marthe LEBLANC, 23 Dec 1782, Ascension, now Donaldsonville; married, age 33, (2)Jacques-Servais GUIDRY, son of Charles GUIDRY & his second wife Agnès BOURG, 18 Sep 1797, Ascension; died [buried] Ascension Parish 11 Nov 1824, age 60 Élisabeth-Madeleine BABIN 18 Sep 1766? StJ, Asc born c1744, l'Assomption, Pigiguit; daughter of Paul BABIN & Marie LANDRY; sister of Amand, Brigitte, Charles, Marie-Josèphe, & Vincent-Ephrem; arrived LA probably 1766, age 22; married Joseph-Athanase LANDRY; died [buried] Ascension Parish 5 Jan 1812, age 68 Étienne BABIN 19 Jul 1767 StG born c1749, probably Pigiguit; son of Joseph BABIN & Anne-Marie LANDRY; brother of Anne-Élisabeth/Isabelle & Cyprien; exiled to MD 1765, age 6; in report on Acadians at Upper Marlborough, MD, Jul 1763, called Étienne, with widowed father & siblings; arrived LA 1767, age 18; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Esteban, age 18, with widowed father & siblings; married (1)_______; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, right bank ascending, called Éstiene BABAINE, age 27, with unnamed wife age 28, 2 unnamed sons ages 3 & 8 mos., 10 cattle, 2 horses, 8 hogs, 18 fowl, 6 arpents; married, age 28, (2)Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC, daughter of Bonaventure LEBLANC & Marie THÉRIOT, 20 Jan 1778, St.-Jacques; died [buried] St.-Gabriel 19 Dec 1788, age 39 *Étienne BABIN 20 17?? StG born c1754, probably Minas; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, left bank ascending, called Éstiene BABIN, age 23, bachelor, with unnamed orphan sister [Marie?] age 18, 16 cattle, 3 horses, 12 hogs, 18 fowl, 6 arpents Firmin BABIN 21 Feb 1768 Natz, Asc born c1747, probably Minas; son of Antoine BABIN & Catherine LANDRY; brother of Charles, Claire, Élisabeth/Isabelle, Francois-Marie, Louise, Marie, & Rose; arrived LA 1768, age 21; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Filman BAVEN, age 21, with widowed mother & siblings; married, age 22, (1)Bibianne BREAUX, daughter of Amand BREAUX & Marie LANDRY, 23 Jan 1769, San Luis de Natchez; moved to Ascension; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, called Firmain, age 23, head of family number 82, with wife Bibienne age 26, son Paul age 6 mos., & 6 arpents next to brother Charles; in Ascension census, 1777, left [east] bank, age 31, head of family number 83, with wife Babienne age 33, sons Paul age 7, Béllonnie age 4, Firmin age 1, daughter Marie[-Anne] age 5, 9 arpents next to brother Francois, 0 slaves, 7 cattle, 0 horses, 0 sheep, 3 swine, 1 arm; in JUDICE's Company, Acadian Coast Militia, Aug 1779, fusileer; married, age 34, (2)Isabelle BROUSSE/BRUSSE, daughter of Arche BROUSSE/BRUSSE & Isabel _____ of Philadelphia, PA, 26 Nov 1781, Ascension, now Donaldsonville; in Ascension census, 1788, right [west] bank, called Firmain, age 43, with wife Isabelle BOUCHE age 26, sons Pol age 18, Bélony age ??[sic], Firmain age ??[sic], Simon age ??[sic], Francois age 2, daughters [Madeleine-]Anastasie age ??[sic], Isabelle age 1, 8 arpents, 4 qts. rice, 40 qts. corn, 5 horned cattle, 3 horses, 12 swine; died by Jan 1792, when his second wife remarried at Ascension Francois-Laurent BABIN 24 Dec 1788 Asc? born 2 Jan 1766, baptized next day, La Palais, Belle-Île-en-Mer, France; son of Joseph BABIN & Marine LEBLANC; brother of Anne-Marguerite, Marie-Victoire, Mathurin-Louis, Pierre-Moïse; at Belle-Île-en-Mer 1766-73; at Loqueltas, Belle-Île-en-Mer, Mar 1767; at St.-Servan, France, 1773; arrived LA 11 Dec 1788 aboard schooner La Brigite from Île St.-Pierre Francois-Marie BABIN 22 Feb 1768 Natz, Asc, StG born c1742, probably Minas; son of probably Antoine BABIN & Catherine LANDRY; brother of Charles, Claire, Élisabeth/Isabelle, Firmin, Louise, Marie, & Rose; exiled to MD 1755, age 13; in report on Acadians at Port Tobacco, MD, Jul 1763, with parents & siblings; married, age 21, Marguerite-Hélène BREAUX, daughter of Amand BREAUX & Marie LANDRY, c1763, probably MD; arrived LA 1768, age 26; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Francisco BAVEN, age 26, with wife Margarita age 30, sons Carlos age 4, Pablo age 6 mos., "orphan brother" Maturin BAVEN age 12, "orphan sister" Ana BAVEN age 7, & 6 arpents next to mother; moved to Ascension; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, age 28, head of family number 84, with wife Margueritte age 34, sons Charles age 7, Paul age 4, nephew Pierre BRAU age 14, & 6 arpents next to brother Firmin; in Ascension census, 1777, left [east] bank, age 36, with wife Margueritte age 40, sons Charles age 12, Paul & Francois age 10, daughter Marie[-Madeleine] age 5, 9 arpents, 0 slaves, 11 cattle, 0 horses, 0 sheep, 9 swine, 2 arms; in JUDICE's Company, Acadian Coast Militia, Aug 1779, fusileer; died [buried] St.-Gabriel 21 Oct 1796, age 54 Francois-Marie BABIN 23 Jul 1785 StG, BR, Asp, Lf born 16 Nov 1766, baptized next day, St.-Servan, France; son of Simon BABIN & his first wife Anastasie THÉRIOT; brother of Marie & Magloire-Simon; at St.-Servan 1766-72; in Poitou, France, 1773-75; on Second Convoy from Châtellerault to Nantes, France, Nov 1775; on list of Acadians at Nantes, Sep 1784, probably unnamed orphan with family of sister Marie, brother-in-law Louis STEVEN, & brother Simon; sailed to LA on Le Bon Papa, age 16[sic], traveled with family of brother-in-law Louis STEBENS; married, age 21, Marie-Anne USÉ, daughter of Ignace USÉ & his second wife Cécile BOURG of St.-Malo, France, 31 Dec 1786, St.-Gabriel; on list of Acadians at Baton Rouge, 1788, called Franco. VAVEN, with unnamed wife [Marie], 1 unnamed child [probably daughter Marie], 3 units corn, 1/4 unit rice; in Assumption census, 1795, called Francisco, age 31, with wife Maria USSET age 32, son Agustin age 4, daughters Maria age 8, Ana age 6, & Escolastica age 2; in Assumption census, 1797, age 32, with wife Marie USÉ age 33, son Augustin age 5, daughters Marie age 9, Anne age 7, & Scolastique age 3, 0 slaves, next to brother-in-law Pierre USÉ; in Lafourche census, 1798, age 31[sic], with wife Marie no surname given age 31, son Auguste age 5, daughters Marie age 10, Émilie age 9, Scolastie age 4, & Francoise age 1, 8/15 arpents, 0 slaves Geneviève BABIN 25 Jul 1767 StG baptized 10 Jan 1724, Grand-Pré; daughter of René BABIN & Élisabeth GAUTREAUX; married, age 20, Amand HEBERT, son of Jacques HÉBERT & Marguerite LANDRY, 4 Feb 1744, Grand-Pré; exiled to MD 1755, age 31; in report on Acadians at Newton, MD, Jul 1763, called Geneviève, no surname given, with husband, 1 son, & 3 daughters; arrived LA 1767, age 43, a widow; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Genoveba HIBER, age 43, head of family number 14, assigned no farm, with son Carlos IBER age 15, daughters Genoveba IBER age 22, Maria Joseph IBER age 18, & Margarita IBER age 6 Ignace BABIN 26 Jul 1767 StG born c1741, probably Minas; son of Dominique BABIN & Marguerite BOUDREAUX; brother of Joseph, Madeleine-Marthe, Marguerite, Marie, & Paul; married (1)Marguerite BREAUX, 1760s, probably MD; arrived LA 1767, age 26; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Ignacio BOBEN, age 25, head of family number 29, assigned farm number 27, with wife Margarita age 28, & son Pablo age 7 mos.; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, right bank ascending, called Hygnace BABIN, "widow," age 36, with 1 unnamed son [Paul] age 12, 1 unnamed daughter [Anne] age 1, 12 cattle, [0 horses], 14 hogs, 17 fowl, 6 arpents; married, age 37, (2)Marie-Josèphe LANDRY, daughter of probably Joseph LANDRY & Marie-Josèphe COMEAUX, & widow of Joseph BLANCHARD, St.-Jacques, 3 Feb 1778; died [buried] St.-Gabriel 13 Nov 1791, age 50 Jean-Baptiste BABIN 28 Jul 1767 StG born c1739, probably Minas; married Isabelle-Marguerite LEBLANC; arrived LA 1767, age 28; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Juan Baptista BAVEN, age 27, head of family number 15, assigned farm number 20, with wife Isabel age 23, son Pedro age 6 mos., daughter Margarita age 3, & orphan Maria BOBEN age 3; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, right bank ascending, called Jans Batiste BABAINS, age 48[sic], with unnamed wife [Isabelle-Marguerite] age 30, 1 unnamed son [Joseph?] age 4, 1 unnamed daughter [?] age 2, 1 Negress, 20 cattle, 2 horses, 12 hogs, 20 fowl, 6 arpents Jean-Jacques BABIN 27 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc, StJ born c1748, probably Pigiguit; called Jacques; son of Joseph BABIN & Anne THÉRIOT; brother of Joseph & Marguerite; arrived LA 1766, age 18; in Cabanocé census, 1769, occupying lot number 163, left [east] bank, called Jacques BABAIN, age 22, listed singly so probably a bachelor; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, called Jacque, age 22, head of family number 75, with widowed mother Anne [THÉRIOT] BABIN age 49; married Marguerite LANDRY; in St.-Jacques census, 1777, right [west] bank, age 27[sic], with wife Marguerite age 25, sons Donnatte age 3, Paul age 3[months], & daughter Pélagie age 5; in St.-Jacques census, 1779, called Jacques BABAIN, with 5 unnamed whites, 1 slave, 4 qts. rice, 15 qts. corn Joseph BABIN 29 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc, StJ born c1745, probably Pigiguit; son of Joseph BABIN & Anne THÉRIOT; brother of Jacques & Marguerite; married, age 23, (1)Marie LANDRY, 7 Feb 1768, Cabanocé; in Cabanocé census, 1769, occupying lot number 158, left [east] bank, age 24, with wife Marie BABIN[sic] age 20, & mother Anne THÉRIOT widow BABAIN age 48; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, age 25, head of family number 70, with wife Marie LANDRY age 21, daughter Margueritte age 9 mos., & 6 arpents; n St.-Jacques census, 1777, right [west] bank, called Joseph BABAIN, age 30[sic], with wife Marie LANDRY age 27, son Louis age 14[sic], daughters Élizabeth age 6, & Marguerite age 4; married, age 52, (2)Anne-Hippolythe DOIRON, daughter of Paul DOIRON & Marguerite MICHEL, & widow of Jean-Baptiste LA GARENNE, 27 Feb 1797, St.-Jacques Joseph BABIN 30 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1748, probably Minas; son of Jean-Baptiste BABIN & Ursule LANDRY; brother of Anne-Barbe, Marguerite, & Marie-Josèphe; exiled to MD 1755, age 7; not in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, with widowed mother & sisters; arrived LA 1766, age 18; in Cabanocé census, 1769, occupying lot number 81, right [west] bank, age 21, with widowed mother age 45, sisters Marie-Josèph age 19, & Margueritte age 17; in Ascension census, 1770, right [west] bank, age 21, head of family number 46, with sisters Marie-Josèph age 20, Margueritte age 17, [Anne-]Barbe age 14, & 6 arpents; married, age 23, Osite LEBLANC, daughter of Jacques LEBLANC & Catherine-Marie-Josèphe FORET, 28 Jan 1771, St.-Jacques; in Ascension census, 1777, right [west] bank, age 28, head of family number 41, with wife Ozitte age 24, sons Joseph age 3, Paul age 1, daughters Rosalie age 5, Marie age 4, 6 arpents, 2 slaves, 20 cattle, 1 horse, 0 sheep, 16 hogs, 1 arm; died [buried] Ascension Parish 9 Mar 1809, age 66[sic] Joseph BABIN dit Dios 31 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1755, Minas or MD; son of Pierre BABIN & Anne FORET; brother of Charles; arrived LA 1766, age 11; in Cabanocé census, 1769, right [west] bank, called Joseph BABAIN, age 14, with mother, stepfather Étienne BUJEAU, brother Charles, 1 BUJEAU half-brother, & 3 BUJEAU step-siblings; in Ascension census, 1770, right [west] bank, age 14, with mother, stepfather, brother Charles, 1 BUJEAU half-brother, & 3 BUJEAU step-siblings; married, age 20, Marine LEBLANC, daughter of Desire LEBLANC & Marie-Madeleine LANDRY, 19 Feb 1775, Ascension, now Donaldsonville; in Ascension census, 1777, right [west] bank, called Joseph dit Dios, age 23, head of family number 45, with wife Marie age 23, son Hipolitte age 1, 6 arpents, 0 slaves, 8 cattle, 2 horses, 0 sheep, 12 swine, 2 arms; died [buried] Ascension 1 Feb 1782, age 28 Joseph BABIN 32 Jul 1767 StG born c1713, probably Pigiguit; son of Vincent BABIN & Anne THÉRIOT; married, age 17, Anne-Marie LANDRY, daughter of Pierre LANDRY & Marguerite FORET, c1730, probably Pigiguit; exiled to MD 1755, age 42; in report on Acadians at Upper Marlborough, MD, Jul 1763, called Joseph BABIN, widower, with sons Étienne, Prien, & daughter Élizabeth; arrived LA 1767, age 54, a widower; in report of Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Joseph BAVEN widower, age 54, head of family number 21, assigned farm number 5, with sons Esteban age 18, Ciprian age 17, & daughter Isabel age 24 Joseph BABIN l'aîné 33 Feb 1768 Natz born c1730, probably Minas; brother of Joseph le jeune married Rose-Osite LEBLANC; arrived LA 1768, age 38; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Joseph BAVEN, age 38, with wife Rosa age 37, son Simon age 5, daughter Maria Roza age 2, brother Joseph age 14, & 5 arpents Joseph BABIN le jeune 34 Feb 1768 Natz born c1754, probably Minas; brother of Joseph l'aîné; arrived LA 1768, age 14; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Joseph BAVEN, age 14, with family of brother Joseph Joseph BABIN 35 176? StG?, Atk born c1755, MD; son of Dominique BABIN & Marguerite BOUDREAUX; brother of Ignace, Madeleine-Marthe, Marguerite, Marie, & Paul; arrived LA perhaps 1767, age 12; perhaps at St.-Gabriel with older brothers, late 1760s-early 1770s; moved to La Pointe, Atakapas District; in Atakapas census, 1771, age 16, in household of Claude MARTIN, husband of Marie BABIN; on Atakapas militia list, Jan 1773, no age given; in Atakapas census, 1774, listed singly, with 0 slaves, 7 cattle, 5 horses or mules, 0 pigs, 0 sheep; married, age 23, Anastasie MELANÇON, daughter of Honoré MELANÇON & Marie-Josèphe BREAUX, 20 Feb 1778, Atakapas, now St. Martinville; in Atakapas census, 1781, with 3 unnamed individuals, 40 animals, & 22 arpents; in Atakapas census, 1785, called Jh, with 5 unnamed free individuals, 0 slaves; died "at his home at La Pointe," St. Martin Parish, 23 Oct 1820, "age about 60 years," buried next day "in the parish cemetery"; succession record dated 15 Apr 1821, St. Martinville courthouse Judith-Théotiste BABIN 36 Jul 1767 StG born c1744, probably Minas; married Diego HERNANDEZ; arrived LA 1767, age 23; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Judith, age 23, with husband & 1 daughter Lise-Marie-Josèphe BABIN 37 1765 StJ, Op, StJ, Asp, Lf born c1760, probably Halifax; called Lise or Marie; daughter of Basile BABIN & Anne SONNIER; sister of Marie-Josèphe; arrived LA 1765, age 5; in Cabanocé census, 1766, left [east] bank, called Lize, age 3[sic], with widowed mother, uncle Joseph SAUNIER, & sister Marie; moved to Opelousas District; in Opelousas census, 1771, unnamed, age 9[sic], with mother, stepfather Michel CORMIER, sister, & half brother; in her mother's succession record, dated 7 Jan 1773, Opelousas, age 12; in Opelousas census, 1774, unnamed, no age given, with stepfather Michel CORMIER & another child?; married, age 18, Jean-Baptiste BERGERON, son of Jean-Baptiste BERGERON & Catherine CAISSIE dit ROGER of Rivière St.-Jean, 1 Jun 1778, St.-Jacques; in Assumption census, 1795, called Maria, age 36, with husband, 2 sons, & 4 daughters; in Assumption census, 1797, called Marie, age 37, with husband, 2 sons, & 4 daughters; in Lafourche census, 1798, called Marie, age 38, with husband, 2 sons, & 4 daughters Louise BABIN 38 Feb 1768 Natz born c1746, probably Minas; daughter of Antoine BABIN & Catherine LANDRY; sister of Charles, Claire, Élisabeth/Isabelle, Firmin, Francois-Marie, Marie, & Rose; arrived LA 1768, age 22; in report of Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Luison, age 22, with widowed mother & siblings Louise-Ludivine BABIN 39 Jul 1767 StG born c1754, probably Minas; called Ludivine; daughter of Pierre BABIN & Madeleine RICHARD; sister of Simon-Pierre; arrived LA 1767, age 13; in report of Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Ludovica, age 13, with parents, brother, & orphan Pablo BABEN; married, age 20, Firmin LANDRY, son of Alexandre LANDRY & his first wife Anne FLAN, & widower of Marie LEBLANC, 8 Feb 1774, Ascension, now Donaldsonville; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, right bank ascending, unnamed, age 20[sic], with husband, 1 son, & 1 daughter; died by Feb 1792, when her husband remarried at St.-Gabriel *Madeleine BABIN 40 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1746, probably Minas; daughter of perhaps Germain BABIN & Marguerite LANDRY; sister of Marguerite & Marie?; in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, called Margte., with father & siblings?; arrived LA 1766, age 20; married, age 21, (1)Charles BABIN, son of Paul BABIN & Marie LANDRY, 2 Mar 1767, Cabanocé; in Cabanocé census, 1769, left [east] bank, called Magdelaine BABAIN, age 24, with husband & no children; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, age 24, with husband & 1 son; in Ascension census, 1777, left [east] bank, called Magdelaine, age 31, with husband, 2 sons, & 1 daughter; married, age 35, (2)Joseph LANDRY, widower of Madeleine LEBLANC, 25 Nov 1781, Ascension, now Donaldsonville *Madeleine-Marthe BABIN 41 17?? StG born c1761, perhaps MD; called Marthe; daughter of Dominique BABIN & Marguerite BOUDREAUX; sister of Ignace, Joseph, Marguerite, Marie, & Paul; married, age 16, Paul RICHARD, son of Joseph RICHARD & Marie LEBLANC of Port-Royal, 2 Feb 1777, St.-Jacques; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, right bank ascending, unnamed, age 16, with husband & no children; died [buried] St.-Gabriel 28 Apr 1796, age 30[sic] Magloire-Simon or Simon-Magloire BABIN 73 Nov 1785 BR, Lf born 1 Jan 1762, England; son of Simon BABIN & his first wife Anastasie THÉRIOT; brother of Francois-Marie & Marie; repatriated to France 1763, age 1; at St.-Servan, France, 1763-72; in Poitou, France, 1773-75; on list of Acadians at Nantes, France, Sep 1784, called Simon, with family of sister Marie & brother-in-law Louis STEVEN, & unnamed orphan [probably brother Francois-Marie]; sailed to LA on L'Amitié, no age given but 23, no occupation given, on this ship's debarkation list but not on its embarkation list, so he may have been a stowaway; married, age 25, (1)Marie-Jeanne-Périnne-Madeleine LEJEUNE, daughter of Eustache LEJEUNE & his first wife Marie CARRET, 9 Jun 1787, probably Baton Rouge; on list of Acadians at Baton Rouge, 1788, called Simon BABEN, with no one else in his household, 1 1/2 units corn, 0 units rice; married, age 27, (2)Anne QUIMINE, daughter of Pierre QUIMINE & his first wife Marie-Louise GROSSIN, 31 Dec 1789, probably Baton Rouge; on list of inhabitants of Baton Rouge, Nov 1792, called Simon BABEU; moved to Lafourche valley; married, age 60, (3)Marie-Jeanne ACHÉE, daughter of Jacques ACHÉE & Anne BOUDREAUX, & widow of Francois SEVIN, 24 Apr 1822, Thibodauxville; succession inventory dated 2 Jan 1833, Lafourche Interior Parish courthouse *Marguerite BABIN 76 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1739, probably Minas; daughter of perhaps Germain BABIN & Marguerite LANDRY; sister of Madeleine & Marie?; in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, called Margte., with father & siblings?; arrived LA 1766, age 27; married, age 28, Simon LANDRY, son of Abraham LANDRY dit Petit Abram & his first wife Élisabeth LANDRY, 12 Oct 1767, Cabanocé; in Cabanocé census, 1769, left [east] bank, called Margueritte BABAIN, age 30, with husband, 1 daughter, & sister Marie; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, called Margueritte BABIN, age 31, with husband, no children, & sister Marie; in Ascension census, 1777, left [east] bank, called Margueritte BABIN, age 39, with husband, 3 sons, & 1 daughter; died [buried] Ascension Parish 19 Oct 1809, age 74[sic] Marguerite BABIN 42 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1752, probably Minas; daughter of Jean-Baptiste BABIN & Ursule LANDRY; sister of Anne-Barbe, Joseph, & Marie-Josèphe; exiled to MD 1755, age 3; in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, called Margte., with widowed mother & sisters; arrived LA 1766, age 14; in Cabanocé census, 1769, right [west] bank, age 17, with widowed mother & siblings; in Ascension census, 1770, right [west] bank, age 17, with siblings; married, age 30, (1)Isaac LEBLANC, son of Désire LEBLANC & Marie-Madeleine LANDRY of Grand-Pré, & widower of Marie-Rose MELANÇON, 21 May 1782, Ascension, now Donaldsonville; married, age 49, (2)Pierre PANVIL, son of Noël PANVIL & Marie-Catherine PIENOE, 7 Nov 1801, Ascension; died [buried] Ascension Parish 9 Oct 1815, age 67[sic] Marguerite BABIN 43 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1749, probably Pigiguit; daughter of Joseph BABIN & Anne THÉRIOT; sister of Jacques & Joseph; arrived LA 1766, age 17; married, age 19, Francois DUGAS, son of Jean DUGAS & Marie-Charlotte GODIN of Rivière St.-Jean, 28 Jun 1768, Cabanocé; in Cabanocé census, 1769, right [west] bank, called Margueritte BABIN, age 20, with husband & no children; in Ascension census, 1770, right [west] bank, called Magueritte BABIN, age 20, with husband & 1 son; in Ascension census, 1777, right [west] bank, called Margueritte, age 27, with husband & 4 sons; died [buried] Ascension Parish 19 May 1807, age 58 Marguerite BABIN 44 Jul 1767 StG born c1765, probably MD; daughter of Jean-Baptiste BABIN & Isabelle-Marguerite LEBLANC; sister of Pierre; arrived LA 1767, age 2; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Margarita BAVEN, age 2, with parents, brother, & orphan Maria BOBEN; married, age 20, Simon ALLAIN of Baltimore, MD, son of Pierre ALLAIN & Catherine HÉBERT, 17 Jun 1785, Pointe Coupée Marguerite BABIN 45 Feb 1768 Natz born c1730, probably Minas; married Alexis COMEAUX; arrived LA 1768, age 38; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Margarita BAVEN, widow, age 38, with sons Joseph [COMEAUX] age 17, Esteban [COMEAUX] age 8, Pedro [COMEAUX] age 8, daughter Margarita [COMEAUX] age 13, & 4 arpents Marguerite BABIN 46 17?? StJ, Asc born c1728; married, age 53, Joseph LANDRY, widower of Madeleine LEBLANC, 25 Nov 1781, Ascension, now Donaldsonville *Marguerite BABIN 78 17?? StG daughter of Dominique BABIN & Marguerite BOUDREAUX; sister of Ignace, Joseph, Madeleine-Marthe, Marie, & Paul; married Joseph CLOUÂTRE, son of Pierre CLOISTRE dit CLOUÂTRE & Marguerite LEBLANC, 13 Jun 1780, St.-Gabriel *Marie BABIN 77 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1753, probably Minas; daughter of Germain BABIN & Marguerite LANDRY; sister of Madeleine & Marguerite?; in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, called Marie, with father & siblings?; arrived LA 1766, age 13; in Cabanocé census, 1769, left [east] bank, called Marie BABAIN, sister-in-law, age 16, with family of brother-in-law Simon LANDRY & sister Margueritte; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, called Marie BABIN, "his sister-in-law," age 17, with brother-in-law Simon LANDRY & sister Margueritte; married, age 22, Charles LANDRY, son of Charles LANDRY & Marie LEBLANC, & widower of Marie LANDRY, 2 Dec 1775, St.-Jacques; in Ascension census, 1777, left [east] bank, age 23, with husband & 1 daughter Marie BABIN 47 Jul 1767 StG born c1745, probably Minas; daughter of ______ BABIN & Marie _______; arived LA 1767, age 22; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Maria, age 22, with widowed mother Marie BABIN 48 Jul 1767 StG, StJ? born c1764, probably MD; arrived LA 1767, age 3; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Maria BOBEN, age 3, orphan with family of Jean-Baptiste BABIN; in St.-Jacques census, 1777, age 14, orphan with family of Joseph SONNIER?; in St.-Jacques census, 1779, unnamed, with family of Joseph SONNIER? Marie BABIN 49 Feb 1768 Natz born c1740, probably Minas; married Mathurin LANDRY, late 1750s or early 1760s, probably MD; in report on Acadians at Port Tobacco, MD, July 1763, called Marie LANDRY, with husband & 1 daughter; arrived LA 1768, age 28; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Maria, age 28, with husband, 1 son, 1 daughter, & orphan Margarita BRO; died later that year, when her husband remarried at New Orleans Marie BABIN 50 Feb 1768 Natz daughter of Antoine BABIN & Catherine LANDRY; sister of Charles, Claire, Élisabeth/Isabelle, Firmin, Francois-Marie, Louise, & Rose; arrived LA 1768; not in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, with the rest of her family; married Francois DIES, son of Francois DIES & Marie LAROSE of Seville, Spain, 20 Jun 1768, St.-Luis de Natchez *Marie BABIN 79 176? Atk born c1744, probably Minas; daughter of perhaps Dominique BABIN & Marguerite BOUDREAUX; sister of Ignace, Joseph, Madeleine-Marthe, Marguerite, & Paul?; married, age 26, Claude MARTIN, son of Charles MARTIN & probably Jeanne COMEAUX of Port-Royal, c1770, probably Atakapas, now St. Martinville; in Atakapas census, 1771, unnamed, age 26, with husband, 1 unnamed son, [brother?] Joseph BABIN, Marguerite PRINCE, & Joseph PRINCE; in Atakapas census, 1774, unnamed, no age given, with husband & 2 children; in Atakapas census, 1777, called Marie GEBIN, age 30[sic], with husband, 3 sons, & 1 daughter; in Atakapas census, 1781, unnamed, no age given, with 13 unnamed individuals; in Atakapas census, 1785, unnamed, no age given, with 9 unnamed free individuals; died "in the morning ... at the home of Michel MARTIN her son at la pointe," 29 Sep 1823, "at age about 80[sic] years," buried next day, "in the parish cemetery"; succession record dated 27 Dec 1823, Lafayette Parish courthouse Marie BABIN 51 Jul 1785 StG, BR, Asp, Lf born 30 Sep1760, Southampton, England; daughter of Simon BABIN & his first wife Anastasie THÉRIOT; sister of Francois-Marie & Magloire-Simon; repatriated to France aboard La Dorothée, arrived St.-Malo 23 May 1763, age 3; at St.-Servan, France, 1763-72; in Poitou, France, 1773-75; in Second Convoy from Châtellerault to Nantes, France, Nov 1775; married, age 23, (1)Louis-William STEBENS, son of Stanislas STEBENS & Anne COLCEIN of Boston, MA, & widower of Marie WEIBERT & Marie LANDRY, 2 Jan 1783, St.-Martin-de-Chantenay, France; on list of Acadians at Nantes, Sep 1784, with husband Louis STEVEN, 1 unnamed son, 1 unnamed daughter, brother Simon, & unnamed orphan [probably brother Francois-Marie]; sailed to LA on Le Bon Papa, age 18[sic]; moved to Baton Rouge district; on list of Acadians at Baton Rouge, 1788, unnamed, with husband Luis ESTIVEN, 4 children, 4 1/4 units corn, 1/2 unit rice; moved to Lafourche valley; in Assumption census, 1795, called Maria, age 36, with husband Luis STIVEN age 41, stepson Luis [STIVEN] age 14, sons Josef [STIVEN] age 5, Alexandro [STIVEN] age 2, daughters Maria [STIVEN] age 12, Ana [STIVEN] age 10, & Genoveva [STIVEN] age 6; in Assumption census, 1797, age 37, with husband Louis STIVEN age 48, stepson Louis [STIVEN] age 15, sons Joseph [STIVEN] age 6, Alexandre [STIVEN] age 3, daughters Marie [STIVEN] age 13, Anne [STIVEN] age 11, & Geneviève [STIVEN] age 7, 0 slaves; in Lafourche census, 1798, called Marie BABIN, Widow, age 36[sic], with stepson Louis [STIVEN] age 17, sons Alexandre [STIVEN] age 4, Joseph [STIVEN] age 2, daughters Marie [STIVEN] age 12, & Nanette [STIVEN] age 11, 8/15 arpents, 0 slaves; married, age 40, (2)Charles FOURNIER of St.-Thomas, Québec, son of Joseph FOURNIER & Marie-Catherine ROUSSEAU, & widower of Marie-Madeleine HENRY, 23 Feb 1800, Assumption, now Plattenville; succession inventory dated 2 Dec 1829, Lafourche Interior Parish courthouse Marie-Josèphe BABIN 52 1765 StJ, Op, StJ born c1762, probably Halifax; daughter of Basile BABIN & Anne SONNIER; sister of Lisa-Marie-Josèphe; arrived LA 1765, age 3; in Cabanocé census, 1766, left [east] bank, called Marie, age 2[sic], with widowed mother, uncle Joseph SAUNIER, & sister Lize; moved to Opelousas District; in Opelousas census, 1771, unnamed, age 7[sic], with stepfather Michel CORMIER, mother, sister, & half brother; in her mother's succession record, dated 7 Jan 1773, Opelousas, age 9; in Opelousas census, 1774, unnamed, no age given, with stepfather Michel CORMIER & another child?; married, age 15, (1)Jean-Charles ARCENEAUX, son of Jean ARCENEAUX & Judith BERGERON, 17 Jan 1777, St.-Jacques; in St.-Jacques census, 1777, right [west] bank, called Marie-Josèph BABAIN, age 15, with husband & no children; in St.-Jacques census, 1779, unnamed, with husband & no children; married, age 52, (2)Louis BILLOU of Tonney-Boutonne, Aunis, France, son of Pierre-Francois BILLOU & Catherine BARBEAU, & widower of Ester CHAMET & Julie POURCEARE, 20 Dec 1814, Convent; died [buried] St. James Parish 11 May 1820, age 62[sic] Marie-Josèphe BABIN 53 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1747, probably Minas; married Sylvain LEBLANC, son of René LEBLANC & Anne THÉRIOT of Grand-Pré; arrived LA 1766, age 19; in Cabanocé census, 1769, right [west] bank, called Marie BABAIN, age 22, with husband & stepson; in Ascension census, 1770, right [west] bank, called Marie-Josèph, age 22, with husband, 1 son, & 1 stepson, in Ascension census, 1777, right [west] bank, called Marie, age 30, with husband, 2 sons, 2 daughters, & 1 stepson; died [buried] Ascension 22 Jan 1807, age 60, a widow Marie-Josèphe BABIN 54 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1750, probably Minas; daughter of Jean-Baptiste BABIN & Ursule LANDRY; sister of Anne-Barbe, Joseph, & Marguerite; exiled to MD 1755, age 5; in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, called Marie, with widowed mother & sisters; arrived LA 1766, age 16; in Cabanocé census, 1769, right [west] bank, age 19, with widowed mother, brother, & sister; in Ascension census, 1770, right [west] bank, age 20, with brother & 2 sisters Marie-Josèphe BABIN 55 Sep 1766? StJ born probably l'Assomption, Pigiguit; daughter of Paul BABIN & Marie LANDRY; sister of Amand, Brigitte, Charles, Élisabeth-Madeleine, & Vincent-Ephrem; in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, called Marie-Joseph, with widowed mother & siblings; arrived LA probably 1766 with brother Amand's family & sister Élisabeth-Madeleine Marie-Madeleine BABIN 56 Jul 1767 StG born c1718, probably Minas; married, age 34, Augustin LANDRY, son of Pierre LANDRY & Marguerite FORET of Ste.-Famille, Pigiguit, and widow of Anne RIVET, c1752; exiled to MD 1755, age 37; in report on Acadians at Upper Marlborough, MD, Jul 1763, called Marie, with husband, 3 sons, & 2 daughters; arrived LA 1767, age 49, in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Maria Magdalena, age 49, with husband, 3 sons, & 3 daughters; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, left bank ascending, unnamed, age 40[sic], with husband, 1 son, & 2 daughters; died [buried] St. Gabriel 24 Mar 1814, age 95 Marie-Rose BABIN 57 Feb 1768 Natz, Asc born c1766, probably MD; called Rosalie or Rose; daughter of Joseph BABIN & Rose-Osite LEBLANC; sister of Simon; arrived LA 1768, age 2; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Maria Roza, age 2, with parents, brother, & uncle Joseph BABIN; moved to Ascension; married, age 24, (1)Benjamin LEBLANC, son of Desiré LEBLANC & Marie-Madeleine LANDRY, 12 Jul 1790, Ascension, now Donaldsonville; married, age 40, (2)Joseph BOUDREAUX of Philadelphia, PA, son of Joseph BOUDREAUX & Anne BLANCHARD, 12 May 1806, Ascension Marie-Victoire BABIN 74 Dec 1788 Asc? born 19 May 1763 aboard La Dorothée, English Channel; called Victoire; daughter of Joseph BABIN & Marine LEBLANC; sister of Anne-Marguerite, Francois-Lauren, Mathurin-Louis, & Pierre-Moïse; at St.-Servan, France, 1763-65; at Belle-Île-en-Mer, France, 1765-73; at Loqueltas, Belle-Île-en-Mer, Mar 1767; at St.-Servan 1773; arrived LA 11 Dec 1788 aboard schooner La Brigite from Île St.-Pierre Mathurin BABIN 58 Feb 1768 Natz born c1756, probably MD; brother of Anne; arrived LA 1768, age 12; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Maturin BAVEN, "orphan brother," age 12, with sister & family of Francois BABIN Mathurin-Louis BABIN 59 Dec 1788 Asc? born 22 Aug 1773, baptized next day, Sauzon, Belle-Île-en-Mer, France; son of Joseph BABIN & Marine LEBLANC; brother of Anne-Marguerite, Francois-Laurent, Marie-Victoire, & Pierre-Moïse; at St.-Servan, France, 1773; arrived LA 11 Dec 1788 aboard schooner La Brigite from Île St.-Pierre Olivier BABIN 60 Feb 1768 Natz, StG born c1750, probably Minas; arrived LA 1768, age 18; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Olivier BADEN & BABAIN, orphan, age 18, with family of Pierre GUIDRY & 6 arpents; moved to St.-Gabriel; married Marie BREAUX, c1772, St.-Gabriel; died by Dec 1775, when his wife remarried at Ascension Paul BABIN 62 Jul 1767 StG born c1751, probably Minas; son of Dominique BABIN & Marguerite BOUDREAUX; brother of Ignace, Joseph, Madeleine-Marthe, & Marguerite; arrived LA 1767, age 16; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Pablo BABEN, age 16, an orphan with the family of Pedro BABEN; married, age 33, Marguerite BRASSEAUX, daughter of Pierre BRASSEAUX & Élisabeth RICHARD, 24 Feb 1784, St.-Gabriel; died [buried] St.-Gabriel 28 Jan 1802, age 50 Paul BABIN 63 Jul 1767 StG born Dec 1766, MD; son of Ignace BABIN & his first wife Marguerite BREAUX; arrived LA 1767, an infant; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Pablo, age 7 mos., with parents; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, right bank ascending, unnamed, age 12, with widowed father & 1 sister Paul BABIN 64 Feb 1768 Natz, Asc born Aug 1767, MD; son of Francois BABIN & Marguerite-Hélène BREAUX; brother of Charles; arrived LA 1768, an infant; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Pablo, age 6 mos., with parents, brother, & 2 BAVEN orphans; moved to Ascension; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, age 4, with parents, brother, & cousin Pierre BRAU Paul BABIN 65 Dec 1785 BdE born c1733; son of Pierre BABIN & ______; deported from either Île St.-Jean or Île Royale to St.-Malo, France, aboard one of the Five Ships 25 Nov 1758, arrived St.-Malo 23 Jan 1759, called Paul BABIN, fils de Pierre, age 25, listed singly; at Pleudihen, France, 1759-60; embarked for England aboard corsair Le Tigre, 1761, remained there until 1763; at Pleudihen 1763-65; went to Falkland Islands aboard L'Aigle, 22 Nov 1765; sailed to LA on La Ville d'Archangel, age 52, traveled with family of brother-in-law of René LANDRY; never married? Pierre BABIN 66 Jul 1767 StG born c1724, probably Minas; married Madeleine RICHARD; arrived LA 1767, age 43; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Pedro BABEN, age 43, head of family number 31, assigned farm number 29, with wife Magdalena age 20, son Simon age 3, daughter Ludovica age 13, & orphan Pablo BABEN age 16; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, right bank ascending, called Piere BABIN, age 50[sic], with unnamed wife [Madeleine] age 39, 2 unnamed sons ages 12 [Simon-Pierre] & 2 [Joseph-Dosite], 14 cattle, [0 horses?] 12 hogs, 20 fowl, 12 arpents Pierre BABIN 67 Jul 1767 StG born Jan 1767, MD; son of Jean-Baptiste BABIN & Isabelle-Marguerite LEBLANC; arrived LA 1767, an infant; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, called Pedro BAVEN, age 6 mos., with parents, sister, & orphan Maria BOBEN Pierre-Moïse BABIN 68 Dec 1788 Asc? born & baptized 31 May 1768, Sauzon, Belle-Île-en-Mer, France; son of Joseph BABIN & Marine LEBLANC; brother of Anne-Marguerite, Francois-Laurent, Mathurin, & Victoire; at Belle-Île-en-Mer 1768-73; at St.-Servan, France, 1773; arrived LA 11 Dec 1788 aboard schooner La Brigite from Île St.-Pierre *Rosalie BABIN 69 17?? StG born c1737; daughter of Paul BABIN & Marie LANDRY; married (1)Joseph BABIN; married, age 25, (2)Ignace HÉBERT, son of Guillaume HÉBERT & Marie-Josèphe DUPUIS of Grand-Pré, 11 Jan 1773, St.-Gabriel; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, left bank ascending, unnamed, age 40, with husband & 1 son age 18 Rose BABIN 70 Feb 1768 Natz, Asc, Atk, Asc born c1754, probably Minas; daughter of Antoine BABIN & Catherine LANDRY; sister of Charles, Claire, Élisabeth/Isabelle, Firmin, Francois-Marie, Louise, & Marie; arrived LA 1768, age 14; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, called Roza, age 14, with widowed mother & siblings; moved to Ascension; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, age 16, with brother Charles, widowed mother, & sister Élisabeth; married, age 18, Charles DUGAS, son of Jean DUGAS & Marie-Charlotte GODIN, c1772, probably Ascension, now Donaldsonville; in Ascension census, 1777, right [west] bank, age 24, with husband, 1 son, 1 daughter, & brother-in-law Théodore DUGAS; moved to Atakapas District; in Atakapas census, 1781, unnamed, with husband & 5 others; died [buried] Ascension Parish 8 Oct 1819, age 60[sic] Simon BABIN 72 Feb 1768 Natz born c1763, probably MD; son of Joseph BABIN & Rose-Osite LEBLANC; brother of Marie-Rose; arrived LA 1768, age 5; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Luis de Natchez, 1768, age 5, with parents, sister, & uncle Joseph BABIN; died "on the 15th ? [sic, Feb?]" 1768, age 5, soon after reaching LA Simon-Pierre BABIN 71 Jul 1767 StG born c1764, probably MD; son of Pierre BABIN & Madeleine RICHARD; brother of Louise-Ludivine; arrived LA 1767, age 3; in report on Acadians who settled at St.-Gabriel, 1767, age 3, with parents, sister, & orphan Pablo BABEN; in St.-Gabriel census, 1777, right bank ascending, unnamed, age 12, with parents & brother; married, age 31, Constance RICHARD, daughter of Joseph RICHARD & Anne LANDRY, 27 Apr 1795, St.-Gabriel; died [buried] St. Gabriel 15 Dec 1809, age 50[sic] *Victoire BABIN 80 probably 1809 StJ born St.-Nicolas, St.-Domingue, today's Haiti; daughter of Charles BABIN & Marie HÉBERT; married Lewis MORROW of Boston, MA, son of Keneli MORROW & Rose MORROW, 2 Sep 1816, St. James Vincent-Ephrem BABIN 75 Sep 1766 StJ, Asc born c1745, probably Pigiguit; called Ephrem; son of Paul BABIN & Marie LANDRY; brother of Amand, Brigitte, Charles, Élisabeth-Madeleine, & Marie-Josèphe; exiled to MD 1755, age 10; in report on Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, called Eufreme, with widowed mother & siblings; arrived LA 1766, age 21; married, age 22, Marguerite LEBLANC, c1767, probably Cabanocé; in Cabanocé census, 1769, occupying lot number 160 next to brother Charles, left [east] bank, called Efraine BABAIN, age 24, with wife Margueritte age 22, daughter Magdelaine age 8 mos., & sister Bergitte BABAIN age 19; in Ascension census, 1770, left [east] bank, called Efreim, age 25, head of family number 72, with wife Margueritte age 23, son Paul age 2 mos., daughter Marie-Magdelaine age 1 1/2, sister Brigitte age 19, & 6 arpents; in Ascension census, 1777, left [east] bank, called Efreme, age 31, head of family number 73, with wife Margueritte age 30, son Jacque age 9 mos., daughters Magdelaine age 8, & Victoire age 3, 6 arpents, 3 slaves, 15 cattle, 2 horses, 0 sheep, 30 hogs, 1 arm; died [buried] Ascension Parish 4 Sep 1810, age 67[sic]


01. Wall of Names, 9, calls him Amand BABIN; BRDR, 3:47 (ASC-4, 80), calls him Aman BABIN, age 76, widower of Anastasia LANDRY, but does not give his parents' names. See also Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 178; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 483; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 7, 9.

Wall of Names includes his son Paul. If Amand & his wife reached LA in 1766, as the records indicate, then the ages given for Paul in the Cabanocé census of 1769 & the Ascension census of 1770 show that he could not have come with them to LA, even in utero, but was born in the colony in c1768, so I have removed from this list.

His estimated birth year is based not on his burial record, which seems to exaggerate his age, but on the Cabancé/St.-Jacques & Ascension censuses in which he is found.

02. Wall of Names, 22, calls her Anne BABIN.

03. Wall of Names, 23, calls her Anne BABIN; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2554, gives her husband's parents' names but not her parents' names, & says they were married in c1755 but gives no place of marriage; BRDR, 2:42 (SGA-8, 25, #143), her death/burial record, calls her Anne BABIN, age 79 years, widow of Armand MELANÇON, but does not give her parents' names. See also Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 158; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 434; De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 9.

Her estimated birth year is from the age given in the Spanish report of 1767, not the St.-Gabriel census of 1777 or her death/burial record.

Arsenault's date of marriage for her makes no sense in light of the age of their son Joseph, who was 15 in 1767. Arsenault says they were exiled to New England, but the fact that she & her family were at Baltimore in 1763 indicates that they were exiled to MD instead.

04. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Anne BABIN, orpheline; BRDR, 2:42, 536 (SJA-2, 3), probably her marriage record, calls her Ana BABEN of Acadia, says her husband was of Acadia, does not give her or his parents' names, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Josef LEBLANC & Pélagie DUARON.

05. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Anne-Barbe BABIN; Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 2-A:566 (SM Ch.: v.4, #1120), her death/burial record, calls her Barbe LANDRY[sic], "wid. of Joseph MELANÇON," says she died "at age about 66 years at her home at l'ance," that she was buried next day "in the parish cemetery," but does not give her parents' names; Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 2-A:29 (SMCt.Hse.: Succ. #277), her succession record, calls her Barbe BABIN m. Joseph MELANSON, but does not give her parents' names nor list any children. See also Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 156; Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 176; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 463.

Why is she not in the Cabanocé census of 1769 with the rest of her family?

Her mother was a LANDRY, so is that why her burial record is in the LANDRY section of Father's Hébert's compilation?

06. Wall of Names, 9, calls her Anne-Genevieve BABIN. Arsenault, Généalogie, 2496, says she & Joseph were married 8 Apr 1768, but Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 171; & Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 425, followed here, say 11 Apr.

07. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Anne-Marguerite BABIN; BRDR, 2:50, 629 (SJA-2, 50), her marriage record, calls her Margarita BABIN, gives her parents' names, says they were from "Belle Isle, Brittany, France," calls her husband Valerio (Dosited) RICHARD, widower of Susana MARIQUE, gives his parents' names, says they were from "St. Gabriel of Iberville Parish," & that the witnesses to her marriage were Pedro Pablo ARCENAUX, Carlos ARCENAUX, & Eligio LANDRY.

08. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Brigitte BABIN; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2527, gives her parents' names; BRDR, 2:43 (SGA-8, 33, #180), her death/burial record, calls her Brigette BABIN, age 62 years, widow of Paul-Marie LANDRY, but does not give her parents' names. See also Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 178; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 485; De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 10; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 7.

The ages given for her in the censuses at Cabanocé, Ascension, & St.-Gabriel in 1769, 1770, & 1777 differ widely from the age given in her burial record. The censuses are followed here.

09. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Charles BABIN; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2409, calls his wife Madeleine BABIN. See also Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 178; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 7, 17.

Why is his wife called Élizabeth BABIN in their marriage record in Bourgeois & Voorhies, J., cited above? Charles had a sister named Élisabeth-Madeleine, so this could not be her. None of the other 2 Élisabeth/Isabelle BABINs in Wall of Names fit into this marriage. The one who was old enough to have married Charles in Mar 1767, daughter of Joseph BABIN, did not reach the colony until July of that year. If the marriage date was really 2 Mar 1768 instead of 1767, then she would fit nicely. The other Élisabeth/Isabelle BABIN who came to LA, daughter of Antoine, was only 3 years old in 1767. Charles's wife could have been another Élisabeth BABIN or a Madeleine BABIN who for some reason is not listed in Wall of Names. I need a BABIN family historian to help me here.

10. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Charles BABIN; BRDR, 2:43 (ASC-1, 187B-a), his death/burial record, calls him Carlos BABIN, age 22 years, but does not give his parents' names or mention a wife.

The age given in the death/burial record of the Carlos, or Charles, BABIN who died at Ascension in Jan 1783 is clear evidence that this was him.

11. Wall of Names, 10 (pl. 1L), calls him Charles BABIN, & lists him with his widowed mother & siblings. See also Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 436; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 8.

Was his full name Charles-Bonaventure or Bonaventure-Charles? See the footnote to the profile of Félicité LANDRY for speculation on the identity of her second husband, Bonaventure BABIN.

12. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Charles BABIN; BRDR, 4:29 (ASC-4, 190), his death/burial record, calls him Charles, age ca. 60 yrs., a nat. of Maryland, but does not give his parents' names or mention a wife.

13. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Charles BABIN, oncle, & lists him with Marine LEBLANC veuve Joseph BABIN & her 5 BABIN children.

What happened to him in LA?

White, DGFA-1, 59, shows that Charles, fils, son of Charles BABIN, père & Madeleine RICHARD & brother of Claude BABIN, husband of Marguerite DUPUIS & therefore the uncle of Claude's son Joseph, husband of Marine LEBLANC, died at age 25 at Grand-Pré in January 1733, so this Charles must be an uncle of Marie LEBLANC, not of Joseph BABIN. Marine's father was Jean LEBLANC & her mother was Anne LANDRY.

14. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Claire BABIN; BRDR, 1b:8, 82 (PCP-4, 35; PCP-3, 270-271), her marriage record, calls her Claire BABIN, native of Acadia, residing at Natchez, says her husband was native of Acadia, residing at Natchez, gives her & his parents' names but does not give his first wife's name, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Firmin BABIN [her brother], Pierre GUÉDRY [the groom], & Augustin LANDRY; Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 1-A:26 (Opel. Ch.: Folio OA, p.8), her death/burial record, calls her Claire BABIN, wife of Pierre GUIDRI, does not give her parents' names, & says she was 28 years old when she died.

The Acadian settlement at San Luis de Natchez did not last long enough to have a church of its own, hence their marriage being recorded at Pointe-Coupée, the closest church to Natchez.

15. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Cyprien BABIN. The Spanish report of 1767 & the St.-Gabriel census of 1777 disagree on his age & therefore his birth year. The earlier record is followed here. See De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 9; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 432. His death/burial record in BRDR, 3:49, calls him Cypriano BABIN, single. See also Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 155.

16. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Elisabeth BABIN; BRDR, 2:42, 354, the record of her first marriage, calls her Anne-Isabelle BABIN, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Jean HEBER, Joseph HEBER, Estienne BABIN (probably her brother), & Maturin LANDRY; BRDR, 2:44, her death/burial record, calls her Elisabeth BABIN, native of Acadia & widow of Thomas HEBERT, & says she was age 57 at the time of her death. See also Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 155.

17. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Élisabeth BABIN; BRDR, 2:56, 155 (ASC-1, 146), the record of her first marriage, calls her Ysabel BABEIN, calls her husband Pablo BRAUD, gives her but not his parents' names, gives his first wife's name, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Armand BRAUD, Abraham LANDRY, & Carlos DUGAST; BRDR, 2:46, 339 (ASC-2, 74), the record of her second marriage, calls her Isabel BABIN, widow of Pierre[sic] BRO, does not give her parents' names but gives her husband's parents' names, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Ramon BRAUD, Henriette BLANCHARD, & Joseph LEBLANC dit Dubour; BRDR, 4:31 (ASC-4, 178), her death/burial record, calls her Isabelle BABIN, age 60 yrs., spouse of Jacques GUIDRY, but does not give her parents' names. .

The birth/baptismal record of daughter Carmelita GUIDRY, dated 5 Jan 1801, in BRDR, 2:338 (ASC-5, 145), calls her Agnès Isabel BABIN.

18. Wall of Names, 9 (pl. 1L), calls her Elisabeth-Madeleine BABIN, soeur [of Amand], & lists her with brother Amand & his family & 2 other siblings; BRDR, 3:50 (ASC-4, 104), her death/burial record, calls her Élizabeth Magdelaine BABIN, age 68, nat. Assumption Parish [Pigiguit], Acadia, spouse of Joseph Athanase LANDRY, but does not give her parents' names.

19. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Étienne BABIN; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2409, 2410, says he was born in 1736; BRDR, 2:45 (SGA-8, 11, #45), his death/burial record, calls him Estevan BABIN, age 39 years of Canada, spouse of Maria Magdalena DUBLAN, but does not give his parents' names. See also Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 155; De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 6; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 432.

20. Not in Wall of Names. See De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 9.

The 1777 St.-Gabriel census reveals clearly that there were 2 Étienne BABINs at St.-Gabriel. Is this younger Étienne BABIN the one who married Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC in 1778? If so, he would have been 39 in 1788, the year "Estevan [BABIN], age 39 years of Canada, spouse of Maria Magdalena Dublan" was buried at St.-Gabriel. See note 19, above. Arsenault, Généalogie, 2410, with its ridiculous birth year of 1736, does not help solve the puzzle.

21. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Firmin BABIN; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2410, calls his second wife Isabelle BROUSSARD; BRDR, 1b:8, 28 (PCP-3, 270; PCP-4, 34), the record of his first marriage, calls him Firmin BABIN, native of Acadia, inhabitant of Post St. Louis of the Natchez, calls his wife a native of Acadia, gives his & her parents' names, & says the witnesses to his marriage were Pierre GUIDRY, Cécile LANDRY, & Augustin LANDRY; BRDR, 2:45, 164 (ASC-1, 142 & 143), the record of his second marriage, calls him Firmin BABIN, widower of Babiana BRAUD & an Acadian, calls his wife Ysabel BRUSSE, gives her but not his parents' names, & says the witnesses to his marriage were Abraham LANDRY, Théodoro DUGAST, & Marino ROBICHO. See also Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 23.

His first marriage was recorded at Pointe Coupée because there was no priest at San Luis de Natchez in its brief existence as an Acadian settlement, so priests from Pointe Coupée probably performed baptisms, marriages, & funerals there. It is the couple's marriage record that states they were inhabitants of "the Post St. Louis of the Natchez." See BRDR, 1b:8, 28.

22. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Francois BABIN; BRDR, 2:45 (SGA-8, 20, #108), his death/burial record, calls him Francisco BABIN of Acadia & spouse of Margarita BRAU, but does not give his parents' names.

The baptismal records of granddaughter Francoise-Seraphine, dated 8 Jun 1800, in BRDR, 2:45 (ASC-5, 140), & grandson Zephire Napoleon, dated 22 Aug 1812, in BRDR, 3:64 (SGA-11, 221), call him Francisco Maria/Francois Marie BABIN. If his full name was Francois-Marie, he should not be confused with the much younger BABIN who also bore that name.

23. Wall of Names, 28 (pl. 6R), calls him Francois BABIN, frère de la femme [of Louis STIVIN], & lists him with the family of his sister Marie; Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 36-37, Family No. 45, his birth/baptismal record, calls him Francois-Marie BABIN, gives his parents' names, says his godparents were Francois LABBE & Marie FRENEL, & says that his family resided at St.-Servan from 1763-72; Hébert, D., Acadian Families in Exile 1785, 8-9, calls him Francois BABIN, frère de la femme [of Louis STIVIN], marin, age 16, on the embarkation list, Francisco BABIN (30th Family), on the debarkation list, & Francois BABIN, brother of the wife [of Louis STEBENS], sailor, age 16, on the complete listing, & says he was in the 29th & 30th families aboard Le Bon Papa with his sister, brother-in-law, & their 3 children; See BRDR, 2:46, 716 (SGA-14, 7), his marriage record, calls him Francois BABIN, gives his parents' names, calls his wife Maria VERET[sic], gives her parents' names, says they were from St.-Malo, but lists no witnesses to the marriage. Her actual name was HEUSÉ, which evolved into USÉ in LA, not VERRET. See Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 49, 73.

His birth year is based not on the passenger list of Le Bon Papa but on the ages given in the Assumption censuses of 1795 & 1797. See Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 49, 73.

24. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Francois-Laurent BABIN.

Where did he & his siblings settle?

25. Wall of Names, 18, calls her Genevieve BABIN veuve Amand HEBERT. See also Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 150.

Her husband died on the voyage from Baltimore to New Orleans. See Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 430.

26. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Ignace BABIN; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2410, 2411-12, calls him Ignace BABIN, says he was born in 1758 but gives no birthplace, gives his parents' names, details his marriages, says he married his first wife in c1778, the same year he married his second wife, says he lived at Manchac in 1778, & lists his children as, by his first marriage, Anne, born in c1778, &, by his second marriage, Pierre-Paul, born in 1779, but gives no birthplaces; BRDR, 2:46, 99 (SJA-1, 46a), the record of his second marriage, calls him Ignace BABIN, widower of Marguerite BREAU, calls his wife Marie-Josèph BLANCHARD, widow of Joseph BLANCHARD, does not give his or her parents' names, & says the witnesses to his marriage were Paul BABIN [probably his brother], Anselme LANDRY, & Firmain BLANCHARD; BRDR 2:56 (SGA-8, 16, #78), his death/burial record, calls him Ygnacio BABIN, spouse of Maria Josefa LANDRI, but does not give his parents' names nor his age at the time of his death. See also De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 3; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 433; West, Atlas of LA Surnames, 23, 149-50.

His estimated birth year is from the Spanish report of 1767 & the St.-Gabriel census of 1777, not from Arsenault.

Arsenault, p. 2411, has Ignace marrying Marguerite BREAUX in c1778, when they had a 12-year-old son in 1777! Arsenault probably confused the date of his first marriage with that of his second. Arsenault, pp. 2411, 2423, insists that Ignace's second wife was not Marie-Josèphe BLANCHARD, as she is called in their marriage record, but Marie-Josèphe LANDRY, probablement daughter of Joseph LANDRY & Marie-Josephe COMEAUX. The Ascension priest of that day, notorious for his sloppy record keeping, evidently gave Marie-Josèphe the surname of her first husband, not that of her father. Her true name is in Ignace's burial record, cited above, & is probably Arsenault's source. Arsenault, pp. 2411-12, in listing Ignace's children, mentions no son Paul, who, according to the Spanish report of 1767 & the St.-Gabriel census of 1777, would have been born in late 1766 or early 1767, probably in MD, & is listed here.

To complicate matters further, De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 5, lists also on the right bank ascending another Ygnace BABAIN, also "Veuve," also age 36, with 1 unnamed son age 6, 8 cattle, 4 hogs, 12 fowl, 6 arpents. Is this the same fellow, or was Ignace counted twice in the 1777 census? Most confusing.

West says on p. 23 that Ignace went with his brother Joseph to the Atakapas District in the 1770s. Joseph certainly went there, but the evidence is thin that Ignace went there, too. Note that Ignace died at St.-Gabriel, not at Atakapas.

27. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Jacques BABIN; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2412, calls him Jean-Jacques BABIN, & says he was born in 1750. See also Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 178; De Ville, St. James Census, 1777, 9; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 7.

28. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Jean-Baptiste BABIN.

29. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Joseph BABIN; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2411, calls him Joseph BABIN & his wife Marie BABIN; BRDR, 2:47, 243 (SJA-2, 38), the record of his second marriage, calls him Josef BABIN, widower, gives his & his wife's parents' names, says both sets of parents were "of Acadia," calls his second wife a widow but does not name his first wife, & says the witnesses to his marriage were Aman BABIN, Juan DUHONT, & Estevan JU TEAU. See also Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 171, 178; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 7; De Ville, St. James Census, 1777, 9.

The Cabanocé census of 1769 calls his first wife Marie BABIN, but the Ascension census of 1770, the St.-Jacques census of 1777, the record of his first marriage in Bourgeois, cited above, & the marriage record of their daughter Isabel, dated 19 Apr 1792, in BRDR, 2:46 (SJA-2, 14) call her Marie LANDRY.

30. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Joseph BABIN; BRDR, 3:54 (ASC-4, 85), his death/burial record, calls him Joseph BABIN, age 66 yrs., spouse Osite LEBLANC, but does not give his parents' names.

The age given in his burial records is, in light of the censuses in which he is found, probably the usual exaggeration.

31. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Joseph dit Dios BABIN; BRDR, 2:47 (ASC-1, 186a), his death/burial record, calls him Josef BABIN, age 28 years, but does not give his parents' names nor mention a wife.

32. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Joseph BABIN. See also Arsenault, Généalogie, 1321, 2408-09; Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 155.

33. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Joseph BABIN 3.

34. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Joseph BABIN, frere [of Joseph]. Why would a nuclear family have 2 Josephs in it? Did one of them have Joseph as a middle name?

35. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Joseph BABIN, & lists him with brother Paul, who came to LA in Jul 1767; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2410, 2411, calls him Joseph BABIN, says he was born in 1755 but gives no birthplace, gives his parents' names, details his marriage, calls his wife's mother Marguerite-Josèphe BREAUX, not Marie-Josèphe BREAUX, & lists his children as Adélaïde, born in 1779, Joseph, born in 1783, Julien, born in 1786, Alexandre, born in 1792, & Marcelline-Arthémise, born in 1803, but gives no birthplaces; Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 1-A:27 (SM Ct.Hse.: OA-vol. 1, #93), his marriage record, calls him Joseph BABIN, gives his & his wife's parents' names, calls his mother Marguerite BOUDROTE, says his father was deceased at the time of the marriage, & that the witnesses to his marriage were Francois MOREAU, Joseph LANDRY, & Claude MARTIN; Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 2-B:33 (SM Ch.: v.4, #1414), his death/burial record, calls him Joseph BABIN, native of Maryland, married to Anastasie MELANÇON, does not give his parents' names, says he died "at age about 60 years at his home at la Pointe," & that he was buried "in the parish cemetery"; Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 2-B:33 (SM Ct.Hse.: Succ.#395), his succession record, calls him Joseph BABIN, widr. of Anastasie MELANÇON, but does not gives his parents' names nor list any children. See also DeVille, Attakapas Post Census, 1771, 12; Stanley LeBlanc PDF (for 1773 Atakapas Militia roster); Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 281; Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 1-A: 823; DeVille, Southwest LA Families, 1785, 13; West, Atlas of LA Surnames, 23, 149-50.

Why was he not in the Spanish report of 1767 for St.-Gabriel with brother Ignace or brother Paul? Surely if he was only 12 years old that year & came to LA with them he would have been a member of one of their households. See Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 433. Did he come to LA from MD at a different time? Older sister Marie, with whom he was living in 1771,married Claude MARTIN at Atakapas in c1770, but Marie's arrival date also is unrecorded; she is, in fact, not even found in Wall of Names.

Arsenault, pp. 2410, 2411-12, makes him older than Ignace & Paul, which other records do not bear out. Arsenault's birth year for Joseph--1755--is from the Atakapas census of 1771. The estimated birth year taken from Joseph's burial record--c1760--means that he would have been only 12 or 13 in Jan 1773, when he appears on an Atakapas militia list entitled "Roster of the [Male] Inhabitants of Atakapas, from 14 [years old] to the age of 50."

West says that he went to the Atakapas with brother Ignace, but there is no evidence that Ignace went with him.

36. Wall of Names, 19, calls her Judith-Theotiste BABIN.

37. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Lise-Marie-Josephe BABIN.

38. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Louise BABIN.

39. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Ludivine BABIN; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2527, calls her Louise-Ludivine BABIN. See also De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 5; Voorhies., J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 433.

Her estimated birth year is from the Spanish report of 1767, not the St.-Gabriel census of 1777.

40. Not in Wall of Names. Arsenault, Généalogie, 2409, profile for her first husband in the LA section, calls her Madeleine BABIN, says she was born in 1745, does not give her parents' names, & lists her children as son Joseph [BABIN], born in 1769, daughter Marie-Madeleine [BABIN], born in 1774, daughter Marie-Constance [BABIN], born in 1777, & Marie [BABIN], born in 1779, & says she & her husband occupied lot number 159 sur la rive est du Mississipi[sic] in 1769; Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 171, the record of her first marriage, calls her Élizabeth BABIN; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 424, also the record of her first marriage, calls her Élizabeth BABIN; BRDR, 2:49, 430 (ASC-1, 143), the record of her second marriage, calls her Magdalena BABEIN, widow of Carlos BABEIN, does not give her or her husband's parents' names, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Efreme BABEIN [her former brother-in-law], Estevan LANDRY, & Marino LANDRY. See also Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 157; Bourgeois, p. 178; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 7, 17; footnote 09, above.

Which Joseph LANDRY did she marry? Since there were so many of them on the river in LA, even with the clue of who his first wife was, your guess is a good as mine.

This is a lot of documentation for someone who is not included on the Acadian Memorial's Wall of Names.

41. Not in Wall of Names. BRDR, 2:50, 627 (SJA-1, 39), her marriage record, calls her Magdelaine-Marthe BABIN, gives her & her husband's parents' names, says all 4 parents were deceased at the time of the wedding, that she & her husband were "natives of Acadia," & that the witnesses to her marriage were Ignace BABIN [her brother], Pierre LEBLANC, Paul BABIN [her brother], & Jean-Baptiste ALAIN; BRDR, 2:53 (ASC-1, 131 & 132), her death/burial record, calls her Marta BABIN, age 30 years, spouse of Pablo RICHART of Acadia, gives her parents' names, & calls her mother Margarita GODRAU. See also De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 5.

The age given in the St.-Gabriel census of 1777, not her burial record, is followed here, otherwise she would have been 11 years old at the time of her marriage!

When did she come to LA? With her brothers Ignace & Paul from MD in Jul 1767? Why is she not in Wall of Names?

42. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Marguerite BABIN; BRDR, 3:56 (ASC-4, 122), her death/burial record, calls her Marguerite BABIN, "age 67, wid. 1st marriage of Isaac LEBLANC and 2nd marriage of Pierre PANICEL," but does not give her parents' names. See also Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 156.

43. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Marguerite BABIN; BRDR, 3:56 (ASC-4, 72), her death/burial record, calls her Marguerite BABIN, wid. DUGAT, but does not give her parents' names nor her age at the time of her death. See also Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 172, 175; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 425, 455; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 2, 11; note 76, below.

44. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Marguerite BABIN; BRDR, 2:12, 50-51 (PCP-4, 188), her marriage record, calls her Marguerite BABIN, gives her & her husband's parents' names, says her parents & her husband were from Baltimore, that the witnesses to her marriage were Francois HÉBERT, Pierre ALLAIN, Isaac LEBLANC, & Charles HÉBERT, & notes "the couple came from Manchac [St.-Gabriel] to be married, as there was no priest," hence the recording of the marriage at nearby Pointe Coupée.

45. Wall of Names, 14, calls her Marguerite BABIN veuve Alexis COMEAU. See also Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 435.

46. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Marguerite BABIN, & lists her singly; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2460, says she was born in 1731. See also De Ville, St. James Census, 1777, 15.

47. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Marie BABIN.

48. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Marie BABIN, orpheline.

49. Wall of Names, 20, calls her Marie BABIN.

50. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Marie BABIN; BRDR, 1b:8, her marriage record. See also Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 8.

She probably married one of the Spanish soldiers stationed at Fort San Luis de Natchez, where her family was sent by Spanish Gov. ULLOA when they reached LA in Feb 1768. The marriage records says that her parents were deceased, but the Ascension census of 1770 shows that her mother was still very much alive in 1768. Why was she not in the Spanish report of 1768 for the settlers of St.-Luiz de Natchez with the rest of her family? Was she already married when the report was made? See Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 436.

51. Wall of Names, 28 (pl. 6R), calls her Marie BABIN, & list her with husband Louis STIVIN, 2 STIVIN children, & her brother Francois; Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 36-37, Family No. 45, calls her Marie BABIN, gives her parents' names, her exact birth place & date, says she, her parents, & 2 siblings "disembarked at St. Malo from England on May 23, 1763 from the ship, La Dorothée, & that her family resided at St.-Servan from 1763-72; Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 153, Family No. 278, calls her Marie BABIN, says she was born in c1761 in Southampton, England, gives her parents' names, calls her husband Louis-William STEBENS, gives his parents' names, says he was born in c1749 "in the Parish of Toussaint in Boston," that he was a seaman & "resident of the Parish of Saint-Martin of Chantenay since 6 months at the time of his second marriage, calls his first wife Marie WEIBERT, says they were married probably in Boston but gives no marriage date, calls his second wife Marie LANDRY, daughter of Benjamin LANDRY & Marguerite BABIN, says they married 25 Jan 1779, St.-Martin-de-Chantenay, that he married Marie BABIN 2 Jan 1783, St.-Martin-de-Chantenay, includes the baptismal record of daughter Marie STEBENS, baptized 3 Dep 1783, St.-Martin-de-Chantenay, details the family's voyage to LA in 1785, & gives the alternate name spelling of STIVRIN; Hébert, D., Acadian Families in Exile 1785, 8-9, calls her Marie BABIN, sa [Louis STIVIN's] femme, age 18, on the embarkation list, Maria BABIN, su [Luis STIVRIN's] muger, on the debarkation list, & Marie BABIN, his [Louis STEBENS's] wife, age 18, on the complete listing, says she was in the 29th Family aboard Le Bon Papa with her husband, called Louis STIVIN, marin, age 36, on the embarkation list, Luis STIVRIN, on the debarkation list, & Louis STEBENS, sailor, age 36, on the complete listing, 3 children--son Louis, son [Louis STIVIN's] fils, age 3, on the embarkation list, Luis, su [Luis STIVRIN's] hijo, on the debarkation list, & Louis STEBENS, his [Louis STEBENS's] son, age 3, on the complete listing, daughter Marie, sa [Louis STIVIN's] fille, age 2, on the embarkation list, Maria, su [Luis STIVRIN's] hija, on the debarkation list, & Marie STEBENS, his [Louis STEBENS's] daughter, age 2, on the complete listing, & son un hijo sin Bautizar, on the debarkation list, an unnamed son STEBENS, not baptized, on the complete listing--& brother Francois, details her first marriage, including the names of her & her husband's parents, & says that daughter Marie [STEBENS] was baptized in 1783; Hébert, D., South LA Records, 1:29 (Thib.Ct.Hse.: Succ.: 1829), her succession inventory, calls her Marie BABIN m. (1)Louis STEIVEN, m. (2)Charles FOURNIER, & lists her children as, by her first marriage, Marie STIEVEN m. Michel BOURGEOIS, Anne STIEVEN m. d.Jean Charles BROUSSARD, Geneviève STIEVEN m. Donnat LANDRY, Joseph STIEVEN, d.Alexandre STIEVEN m. d.Élisabeth Hortense LEDAY, &, by her second marriage, Marcellin FOURNIER. See also Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 527; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 51, 76.

Why did the passenger list of Le Bon Papa miss her age by such a wide mark?

The spelling of her husband's surname is from Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, cited above. ESTIVEN, STEVEN, STEIVEN, STIEVEN, STIVEN, STIVREN, & STIVRIN, found in French & LA records, are French & Spanish versions of STEBENS. Although Louis-Willaim was born in Boston, his parents' names--Stanislas STEBENS & Anne COLCEIN--do not sound English. Were they German? Polish? Dutch?

52. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Marie BABIN; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2405, 2411, calls her Marie-Josephe BABIN & Marie BABIN, & says she married Jean-Charles ARCENEAUX 17 Jun 1777, but this date is wrong. The St.-Jacques census of 1777 was taken in Apr, & she is listed in that census as the wife of [Jean]-Charles. See De Ville, St. James Census, 1777, 7. BRDR, 2:24, 52 (SJA-1, 38a), the record of her first marriage, calls her Marie-Josephe BABIN, says she married Jean-Chs. ARCENEAUX 17 Jan 1777, & the witnesses to their marriage were Joseph SOGNY [SONNIER] (her uncle), Etienne MELANZON, Charles BERGERAU, & Pierre BERNARD; BRDR, 3:59 (SMI-2, 12), the record of her second marriage, calls her Marie Josèphe BABIN, wid. Jean Charles ARSENAUX, gives her & her husband's parents' names, says her parents were Acadians & deceased, that his father also was deceased at the time of wedding, gives her husband's birthplace in France & the names of his earlier wives, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Bonaventure GAUDIN, Joseph SAULNIER, & Baptiste PICOUS; BRDR, 4:33 (SMI-8, 38), her death/burial record, calls her Marie BABIN, age 62, wid. Louis BILLON, but does not give her parents' names. See also Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 169; De Ville, Opelousas Post Census, 1771, 9; De Ville, Mississippi Valley Mélange, 1:39; De Ville, De Ville, Acadian Coast, 1779, 12.

There is the compelling question of Marie BABIN's age at the time of her wedding. If the estimated birth year calculated from the LA censuses in which she is found is accurate--c1762--she would have been barely 14 years old in Jan 1777! The Opelousas census of 1771 does not name Marie, but it is clear from her stepfather Michel CORMIER's listing in that census that he had 2 daughters, in this case stepdaughters, ages 9 & 7 in his household, along with wife Anne SONNIER & infant son Michel, fils. The ages of the 2 daughters with Michel CORMIER that year fit precisely the ages given for Marie & her older sister in the Cabanocé census of 1766, as well as their ages given in their mother's succession record in Jan 1773. See De Ville, Opelousas Post Census, 1771, 9; Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 1-A:719 (LSAR: Opel: 1773-10).

If Marie was still living with her stepfather at Opelousas in 1776-77, age 14/15, one wonders how she hooked up with a fellow from St.-Jacques, unless she knew him from the time she had lived in the river settlement with her widowed mother, before her mother married Michel CORMIER of the Opelousas District back in 1769, when Marie was only 7 years old. No matter, Marie would have been a very young girl enamored of a fellow a dozen years her senior (he was 25 at the time of their marriage). And if Marie was living with her stepfather in early 1777, why in the world did he let her marry at such a tender age? One wonders what Marie's departed mother would have thought about marrying off a daughter at such an age.

But let us consider this scenario that may relieve my paternal ancestor of some blame here. Michel CORMIER fathered 2 sons by his first wife, Anne SONNIER, in the early 1770s, Amand, born in Oct 1770, & Michel, fils, born in Sep 1772, when his stepdaughter Marie BABIN would have been 8 & 10 years old. Anne died soon after Michel, fil's birth, probably in late 1772, perhaps from complications of childbirth. Anne's succession record, dated 7 Jan 1773, says Marie was 9 years old at the time. Her mother's death would have left Marie with her stepfather, older sister Lise, & younger half-brothers Amand & Michel, fils. Marie may have moved out of her stepfather's house after her mother's death & returned to St.-Jacques to live with relatives there--perhaps cousin Joseph SONNIER, with whom she had lived in 1766 & whose wife died sometime in the mid-1770s, or cousin Jean SONNIER, who had recently married. The records do not say. The only clue is that in Oct 1774, the census taker in Opelousas counted only 2 children in the household of widower Michel CORMIER, & they probably were his sons, Amand & Michel, fils. So Marie, & older sister Lise, had probably left for St.-Jacques by then. But if the census taker had miscounted, and if Marie had stayed with her stepfather in Opelousas after the death of her mother, her life would have become even more complicated later in 1774 when her stepfather remarried to Catherine STELLY, a young German woman whose family lived nearby. In Sep 1776, Michel & Catherine celebrated the birth of their first child, Pierre. Marie would have been 14, Amand 6, & Michel, fils, only 4 at the time of Pierre's birth. Resentment over her stepfather's new wife, conflict with her stepmother, being forced to help care for 3 younger boys, including an infant who was not of her blood--any of these things might have driven Marie to return to St.-Jacques. But she had probably already gone there. It is significant that Michel CORMIER was not a witness at his stepdaughter's wedding--but Joseph SONNIER was. So most likely it was Cousin Joseph who had "custody" of the girl in 1777 & consented to her marriage at such a ridiculous age. P.S.- Note that a Joseph SONNIER was a witness to her second marriage when she was in her early 50s.

All of this may be moot, however, if we recalculate her estimated birth year from the age given in her burial record. If she was 62 years old when she died in May 1820, as the Convent priest insists, & thus born in c1758, not c1762, she would have been 17 years old when she married for the first time in Jan 1777, not 14 or 15.

53. Wall of Names, 22, calls her Marie BABIN & lists her as married to Sylvain when they reached LA, so they were probably married in MD. Her middle name is from Arsenault, Genealogie, 2538, who also says that she married Sylvain in c1772, but Wall of Names & the Cabanoce census of 1769 say otherwise. See Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 175. The Ascension census of 1770 must be where Arsenault got her middle name. See Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 4. BRDR, 3:59, her death/burial record, calls her Marie Josephe BABIN, wid. LEBLANC.

54. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Marie-Josèphe BABIN. See also Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 156.

What happened to her in LA?

55. Wall of Names, 9, calls her Marie BABIN, soeur [of Amand]. Her middle name is from the British report in MD. See Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 156.

56. Wall of Names, 19, calls her Marie-Madeleine BABIN; BRDR, 3:55 (SGA-8, 66), her death/burial record, calls her M. Jeanne BABIN, age 95, spouse Augustin LANDRY, but does not give her parents' names. See also Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 432; De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 9.

Her estimated birth year is from the age given in the Spanish report of 1767, buttressed by the age found in her burial record. So why was the age given in the St.-Gabriel census of 1777 so radically different?

57. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Marie-Rose BABIN; BRDR, 2:55, 461, the record of her first marriage, calls her Rosalia BABIN, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Isaac LEBLANC, Simon LEBLANC, & Firmin LANDRY; BRDR, 3:62, 122 (ASC-2, 135), the record of her second marriage, calls her Rosalie BABIN, wid. Benjamin LEBLANC, says her husband was "nat. of Philadelphia," gives her & his parents' names, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Grégoire LEBLANC, Firmin LANDRY, & Evan JONES, the son.

Which Joseph BOUDREAUX was her second husband? There is some mystery about the man. See the footnote to his profile.

58. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Mathurin BABIN, orphelin.

59. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Mathurin BABIN.

Where did he & his siblings settle?

60. Wall of Names, 10 (pl. 1L), calls him Olivier BABIN, & lists him with a wife & 2 daughters; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2412, calls him Olivier BABIN, says he was born in c1750 but gives no birthplace, does not give his parents' names, says he married Marguerite BREAUX in c1772 but gives no place of marriage, & lists only a single child, Baptiste-Olivier, born in 1773 & baptized at St.-Gabriel. See also Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 436.

Wall of Names insists that he & his wife were married & had 2 daughters, Marie-Josèphe & Marianne, when they reached LA, but the Spanish report of 1768, a primary source, says that Olivier was an 18-year-old orphan at San Luis de Natchez in 1768 & does not list Marie or the 2 daughters. Therefore, the 2 daughters are not on this list. The birth/baptismal record of Jacques BABIN, dated 19 Feb 1770, in NOAR, 2:7 (SLC, B6, 75), calls the boy's parents Oliv[eur?] [BABIN] & Marie BREAUD & shows that Olivier & Marie were married by 1770. The baptismal sponsors were Jacque DUBREUIL & Magdelaine BREAUD. Evidently Arsenault did not find the New Orleans baptismal record in his research.

Why were they not in the St.-Gabriel census of 1777? See De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777.

His wife remarried twice, but, unfortunately, none of her remarriage records include her parents' names.

62. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Paul BABIN, & lists him with brother Joseph as though they came to LA together; Arsenault, Genealogie, 2412, says he was born in 1760; BRDR, 2:54, 141 (SGA-5, 28), his marriage record, calls him Paul BABIN, calls his wife Marguerite BRASSEUR, gives his & her parents' names, & says the witnesses to his marriage were Ignace BABIN [his brother], Joseph RICHARD, Pierre BRASSEUR, & Louis LECOMTE; BRDR, 2:54 (SGA-8, 26, #146), his death/burial record, calls him Paul BABIN, age 50 years, but does not give his parents' names nor mention a wife. See also Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 433.

63. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Paul BABIN.

Was he the Olivier BABIN who was born on the voyage from Baltimore to New Orleans? See Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 430.

64. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Paul BABIN.

65. Wall of Names, 45, calls him Paul BABIN, beau frere [of René LANDRY]; , Family No. 48; Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 36, "Family" No. 44, calls him Paul BABIN, says he was born in c1723 but gives no birthplace, gives his father's but not his mother's name, says he "disembarked at St. Malo on January 23, 1759 from one of the 'Five ships,' details his activities in France, & concludes "No further trace has been found" after he left for the Falkland Island.

Was the Paul BABIN who went to LA in 1785 the same one who went to the Falkland Islands? Did he ever marry? If not, why not?

66. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Pierre BABIN. The birth year followed here is from the Spanish report of 1767, not the St.-Gabriel census of 1777. See De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 5; Voorhies., J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 433.

67. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Pierre BABIN.

68. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Pierre-Moïse BABIN.

Where did he & his siblings settle?

69. Not in Wall of Names. See BRDR, 2:55; De Ville, St. Gabriel Census, 1777, 10; White, DGFA-1, 836.

70. Wall of Names, 10, calls her Rose BABIN; BRDR, 3:62 (ASC-4, 144), her death/burial record, calls her Rose BABIN, age 60 yrs., wid. Charles DUGAT, but does not give her parents' names.

What brought her back to Ascension? Did her children live there, & she went to live with them after her husband died?

71. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Simon BABIN; BRDR, 2:55, 621 (SGA-14, 21, #74), his marriage record, calls him Simon Pedro BABIN, gives his & his wife's parents' names, & says the witnesses to his marriage were Joseph BABIN, Téodoro DUGAT, & Ypolite LANDRY; BRDR, 3:63 (SGA-8, 48), his death/burial record, calls him Simon Pierre BABIN, age 50, but does not give his parents' names or mention a wife.

His estimated birth year is based on the St.-Gabriel censuses in which he is found, not on his burial record.

72. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Simon BABIN.

73. Wall of Names, 42, calls him Simon BABIN, & lists him singly with the ship's immigrés; BRDR, 2:55, 497 (PCP-19, 10), the record of his first marriage, calls him Simon BABIN of Angleterre, says his wife was from St.-Malo, calls his parents Simon [BABIN] & Anastasie TÉRRIOT, gives his wife's parents' names, & says the witnesses to his marriage were Jean-Baptiste LEJEUNE, Francois BABIN, Grégoire LEJEUNE, & Eustache LEJEUNE; BRDR, 2:55, 611 (PCP-19, 28), the record of his second marriage, calls him Simon BABIN of Angleterre, calls his parents Simon [BABIN] & Anastasie TÉRIOT, gives his wife's parents' names, & says the witnesses to his marriage were Servant TEMPLET, Francois BABIN, Mathurin USÉ, & Francois DUGUE; Hébert, D., South LA Records, 1:31, 260 (Thib.Ch.: v. 1, p. 25), the record of his third marriage, calls him Simon BABIN of St.-Malo, France, widr. of Anne Louise GUIMIRE, calls his parents d.Simon [BABIN] & d.Marie Thérèse THERISEA[sic], gives his wife's parents' names & her first husband's name, but gives no witnesses to his marriage; Hébert, D., South LA Records, 1:31 (Thib.Ct.Hse.: Succ.: 1833), his succession inventory record, calls him Simon BABIN, 56 yrs. old, native of England, widr. of Anne Louise KIMMIN, & calls his parents Simon [BABIN] & Anastasie THERIOT. See also Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 527.

His marriage & succession records leave no doubt who his parents were. So why is "Simon" not listed with them in Robichaux's studies of the Acadians in France? Born in England, he would have been old enough to have accompanied his father & mother to France in May 1763 & his father & stepmother to Poitou in the early 1770s. See Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 36-37, Family No. 45; Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 8-9, Family No. 15. I suspect he is Simon BABIN's son Magloire & that his name was Magloire-Simon or Simon-Magloire, though "Magloire" never appears in LA records.

According to "A Report on Acadian Immigrants Who Came to Louisiana from France in 1786[sic]," in Kinnaird, "Post War Decade, 1782-91," 169, & , 1 person aboard L'Amitié went to Baton Rouge. Evidently he was that person.

Although his first 2 marriages were recorded at the Pointe-Coupée church, he lived in the Baton Rouge area, where there was no church until 1793. Priests from Pointe-Coupée officiated at baptisms, marriages, & funerals until Baton Rouge got its own church. Note that his first wife was not listed in the Spanish report of 1788 for Baton Rouge, which was made in Jul, so she must have died by then.

74. Wall of Names, 10 (pl. 1L), calls her Victoire BABIN, & lists her with her widowed mother & siblings.

Where did she & her siblings settle?

75. Wall of Names, 10, calls him Vincent-Ephrem BABIN; BRDR, 3:50 (ASC-4, 93), his death/burial record, calls him Effrem BABIN, age 67, nat. Acadia, widower of Marguerite LEBLANC, but does not give his parents' names.

76. Not in Wall of Names. Arsenault, Généalogie, 2528, profile for Simon LANDRY in the LA section, calls his wife Marguerite LEBLANC & says they married in 1767 but gives no place of marriage; Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 157, links her to Germain, Madeleine, & Marie BABIN; BRDR, 3:56 (ASC-4, 88), her death/burial record, calls her Marguerite BABIN, age 74, nat. Acadia, wid. Simon LANDRY, but does not give her parents' names. See also Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 171, 178; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 424, 483; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 6, 17.

Which Marie BABIN was her sister? See note 77, below. Again, I need a BABIN family historian to help me sort out these folks.

77. Not in Wall of Names. BRDR, 2:51, 420 (ASC-1, 131 & 132), her marriage record, calls her Maria BABIN, calls her husband Charles LANDRY, "widower of Marie LANDRY, native of Acadia," says her parents were Germain LANDRY & Marguerite LANDRY but does not give his parents' names, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Joseph LANDRY & Pierre LANDRY. See also Jehn, Acadian Exiles in the Colonies, 157; Bourgeois, Cabanocey, 178; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 483; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 6, 18.

Like her putative sisters, this Marie matches no other Marie BABIN in Wall of Names. Her marriage record, cited above, is the principal clue linking her to the Madeleine BABIN & Marguerite BABIN who do not seem to be listed in Wall of Names.

The baptismal record of daughter Mathilde LANDRY, dated 20 May 1781, in BRDR, 2:444 (ASC-1, 73), calls the mother Ana Maria BABEIN. So was her full name Anne-Marie?

78. Not in Wall of Names. BRDR, 2:50 (SGA-4a, 25), her marriage record, calls her Marguerite BABIN, gives her & her husband's parents' names, & says the witnesses to her marriage were Bernard CAPDEVILLE & Jean-Baptiste ALLAIN.

79. Not in Wall of Names. Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 2-B:34 (SM Ch.: v.4, #1601), her death/burial record, calls her Marie BABIN, spouse of Glaude MARTIN, does not give her parents' names, says she died "in the morning at age about 80 years at the home of Michel MARTIN her son at la pointe," & that she was buried "in the parish cemetery"; Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 2-B:34 (Laf.Ct.Hse.: Succ.#30), her succession record, calls her Marie BABIN m. Glaud MARTIN, but does not give her parents' names nor list any children. See also DeVille, Attakapas Post Census, 1771, 12.

Her estimated birth year is from the Atakapas census of 1771 & her burial record.

Her relationship with Joseph BABIN of La Pointe, St. Martin Parish, son of Dominique BABIN & Marguerite BOUDREAUX, is based on his being in her husband's household in 1771. He may have been her cousin, not her brother. If she was a daughter of Dominique BABIN, her brothers Ignace and Paul came to LA from MD in 1767. The arrival dates of sisters Madeleine-Marthe & Marguerite, & brother Joseph, are anyone's guess. Madeleine-Marthe & Marguerite also are not found in Wall of Names.

80. Not in Wall of Names. BRDR, 3:64 (SJA-2, 161), her marriage record, calls her Victoire BABIN, nat. St. Nicolas, Santo Domingo, calls her husband Lewis MOROW, nat. of Boston, gives her & his parents' names, says her father was deceased at the time of the marriage, & that the witnesses to her marriage were Jean Pierre RICHARD, John COX, & Joseph CAILLET.

Did she & her widowed mother come to LA in 1809 with thousands of other Haitian refugees? If so, perhaps her mother, Marie HÉBERT, also should be added to this list.

[top of page BABIN]

Copyright (c) 2006-10 Steven A.