Trial between Jacques Reguindeau and the family little Beauchemin

·         Trial between Jacques Reguindeau, resident of Boucherville, the complainant, and Jacques Petit, remaining at Jacques Lapierre, Jean-Baptiste Petit said Lalumière, son of Paul, Paul Petit said Beauchemin, brother of Marie-Joseph, Pierre Lalue said Lamontagne, John the Baptist, and Alexis Sénécal, son of Nicolas and Paul Petit said Lalumière, son, and others, accused of having attempted to remove Marie-Joseph little said Beauchemin, niece of the complainant and daughter of the late Nicolas Petit 1722.

A dozen years ago, Jacques Reguindeau had supported his sister Marie-Jeanne's daughter after the death of her husband Nicolas Petit said Beauchemin. Little Marie-Joseph was about 10 years old. His uncle James gave him a good education; She was well fed and well clothed.

At the age of 20, February 7, 1722, with the consent of his uncle James and his mother Marie-Jeanne she was to marry François Lamoureux. A few days before her marriage, on February 4, his brother Paul and several other young men, to 7 o'clock in the evening, were at the home of Jacques Reguindeau to have a bottle of brandy, with said they came to remove his sister Marie-Josephus, but they returned no more.

Around midnight, more than 15 men returned with sticks to do what they had advanced; remove the bride Marie-Josephus. They plunged the door; When they were inside the House, they asked the women to come out. With guns (sticks) they said wanted his sister, otherwise there would be a death. Fortunately, several people came to the aid of Jacques Reguindeau as this group of young people would have probably killed him. Maybe was there the drink behind this whole affair.

Jacques Reguindeau filed a complaint to Lieutenant-general civil and criminal of the Royal jurisdiction of Montreal, under the order of François Marie Boüat, Adviser to the King. At the request of Jacques Reguindeau, resident of Boucherville, an order was assigned to the accused that they had to attend the Court on Thursday, February 5, 1722 at 8 o'clock in the morning.

On 9 February 1722, the representative of the Roy François Marie Bouat, ordered Paul Beauchemin, John the Baptist, Paul and Jacques Petit La Lumière, Pierre Lamontagne, Jean-Baptiste and Alexis Sénécal, they were all accused of wanting to remove Marie-Joseph little on the night of February 4 and have probably tried to kill Jacques. After adjournment, the defendants were to appear on February 19, signed Bouat and David, clerks.

February 16, 1722, Marie - Joseph small, married François Lamoureux before the priest Saladin. On February 19, the accused were interviewed. They were convicted and the recommendations of the Court to the young convicts were to pay the sum of 94 books 16 soils. As well, they couldn't do grouping the night they were to abstain from all criticism or gossip to the applicant Jacques Reguindeau.

Source: copy text "Of Reguindeau on Riendeau" volume II, page 258-259 (by: Lucille Riendeau-Houle)


Vers minuit, plus de 15 hommes revenaient avec des bâtons pour faire ce qu'ils avaient avancé;