William Wentworth & Susannah Carter: After birth of Christopher, child #3, this line of the family moved to adjoining hamlet of Rigsby, 2 miles west of Alford. Rigsby Church is now a chapel attached to Alford. The registers were transferred to the custody of the incumbent of Alford, but all records before 1686 were reported lost. Those preserved, were of no value for purpose of investigation. While reviewing Alford volumes, 2 leaves of parchment proved to be portions of the early Rigsby registers covering time from 18 Jan 1617-16 Sep 1621. The last burial recorded was that of Christopher, infant son of William Wentworth & Susannah Carter. This explains the disappearance of the Wentworth name from Alford registers after 1620. ("English Origins of New England Families"; Vol. 3; Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.; p667-668.)