Report: individuals: events: occupations without names (including frequency)

         Description: Personen, beroepen zonder de naam van de persoon maar met de frequentie, geordend naar het beroep

Matches 151 to 200 of 227

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# Occupation total
151 Plowman 
152 police officer 
153 postmistress 
154 printer 
155 Public School Teacher 
156 real estate 
157 real estate broker 
158 Recorder of Dover 
159 Reverend 
160 Reverend (pastor of the church in Groton before returning to England) 
161 Roman Senator 
162 salesman 
163 Sawmill and Shipyard Owner 
164 Sawyer Mills woolen mill 
165 Scavenger street sweeper according to 1901 census 
166 Schoolmaster until 1701 
167 Sea Captain 
168 Sea Captain (as described on death certificate) 
169 Sea Captain and also a tavern/innholder 
170 Sea Captain and Boston Merchant 
171 Seaman / Sea Captain 
172 Seamstress 
173 Seat Weaver in Chair Shop 
174 Secretary of the King's Chamber 
175 servant to Governor Winthrop 
176 Sharecropper 
177 ship carpenter 
178 Ship carpenter and miller 
179 Ship master/captain: +Records show that Alexander and his ships were involved in trade in both Newfoundland and Portugal. 
180 Ship's navigator 
181 Shipwright and planter 
182 shoe cutter 
183 Shoe Factory Executive 
184 Shoe Stitcher 
185 Shoemaker 
186 Silk Spinner 
187 spinner in a woolen mill, 40 hrs/week; $1000 income 
188 Stenographer in a law office 
189 Steward 
190 Steward for Thomas, Lord Clinton 
191 Steward to the Earl of Lincoln and the Countess of Warwick 
192 stocking weaver 
193 Stone mason 
194 Surgeon 
195 Tailor 
196 Tanner 
197 Tanner and owned a large tannery near Dover Neck 
198 Tavern Keeper 
199 Tavern Keeper & Ferryman 
200 Tavern owner & operator 

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